Subject: You✨ make the difference

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17 December 2017 

Dear Friend,

You Make the DifferenceChances are, you or someone you know has been through some very difficult times, in need of help to overcome an addiction. If so, I hope that our dynamic, self-empowering approach to recovery proved helpful.

Now I come to you, humbly, to ask for your help, in turn. 

Our problem is both simple and quite challenging. We are currently struggling to find the resources to meet the exponentially growing demand for more SMART meetings around the country.

Would you be willing to help by giving a year-end donation to our Growth Fund? Your gift will be put to work immediately to bring more SMART meetings to more people. 

What many people perhaps don’t realize is just how much SMART depends on the generosity of people like you and others. Charitable gifts make it possible for us to train new meeting facilitators to meet the increasing demand for more meetings. They also allow us to provide an online community with free recovery tools on our website along with daily online support meetings.

It is because of the generous hearts of donors like yourself, that we are able to provide our scientifically informed and constantly improving support program to those who are looking for a self-empowering approach to recovery.

SMART’s unique approach is empowering people to achieve recovery from addiction and rebuild their lives. Together we are saving lives and creating brighter futures – but without you, it just wouldn’t be possible. Thank you so much for your support!

Joe Gerstein
Joe Gerstein
President, SMART Recovery

P.S., Donations to the Annual Fund may be made online or mailed to SMART Recovery 7304 Mentor Avenue, Suite F, Mentor, OH 44060
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Your contribution to SMART Recovery helps empower millions worldwide with the tools to abstain from any substance or activity addiction.

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SMART Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.