Subject: Today is Global Pay it Forward Day

Help create a ripple effect of kindness and support for Take on Addiction

Hello to all our SMART Family & Friends!

We’re coming to the end of our very first Take on Addiction campaign, and it’s been absolutely amazing. We’ve raised so much awareness for SMART Recovery at the national and international levels, and we know it will make an incredible difference to the lives of people in recovery.

We’ve also raised over $42,000 of our $50,000 USA goal, which is, of course, going to provide us with opportunities to grow SMART Recovery further and to continue supporting people who want to find Life Beyond Addiction.

Today is Global Pay It Forward Day, an initiative that exists to make a difference by creating a huge ripple of kindness felt across the world.

If you are able to participate on behalf of SMART Recovery, we've picked a few fundraisers and teams below:

You can also make a general donation to SMART Recovery by clicking here.

Thank you for sharing your SMART heart with us on so many levels, and for the overwhelming support for this 1st Take on Addiction campaign.  Together, we can continue to make a SMART difference.

Best wishes,

Mark Ruth

Executive Director

SMART Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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