Subject: SMART Recovery News & Views Digest

Community & Contentment

Community & Contentment


Stay Curious

Dr. Allison Beck is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Clinical Psychologist based in the School of Psychology, University of Wollongong in Australia. Her recent work includes research on the effects of online SMART Recovery meetings during the pandemic in Australia.

It turns out that many individuals got great benefits from participating, and the Australian government's financial support made a difference. 

In this podcast Alison talks about her love of research and belief that by finding things out, we can make things better. 


A Reddit Community for SMARTies

Carolyn Straub moderates a thriving online community for those interested in SMART on the social media platform Reddit. She enjoys helping others engage around how much SMART's tools and resources help those seeking recovery from addiction.

In this podcast, Carolyn also shares her personal journey of recovery, which she wrote about in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry in the essay Mind On Fire.  

Guest Blog

In Defense of Contentment

By SMART Volunteer Rick Kuplinski

“How are you?”  Usually this is less a question than it is just something people say to greet each other.  (Think about how many times you are asked this vs. how many times the person asking is truly interested in your answer.)

Sometimes, we recognize this as not really a question and keep our response simple: “Okay. “Fine.” “Doing well.” But often we feel we must reach for a superlative: “Awesome.” “Terrific.” “Outstanding.” Some of us even have our own favorite ways to really impress people with the greatness of our condition: “On top of the world!” Doing better than a human should!” “Kicking ass and taking names.”

Imagine, however, when our answer is simply, “I am content.” How do people react to that? My impression is that some people think we must be under the influence of something...

Opportunity to help shape SMART'S future

If you have attended any SMART Recovery meetings then you are invited to join in the first international survey of participants. Completing this survey is a way to give back to the recovery community. Your responses will help to improve SMART Recovery for future participants. 


This survey is being conducted by SMART Recovery International in collaboration with researchers at the University of Wollongong, Australia. The purpose of this survey is to help understand how SMART Recovery is used by participants throughout the world.


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