Subject: Profound Life Change ❄ From Addiction to Jail to Success

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I know that I wouldn't be here, writing this, if not for the help I found through SMART Recovery. And that's why I'm so concerned that so many communities, so many people like me, are still missing out on this empowering, science-based approach for addiction recovery.  The good news is that your support  can change this! 

Here's why this is important: It was support from people like you  that made it possible for SMART to be there for me when I so desperately needed it several years ago.
At 46 years of age, tired of the corporate life, I left to pursue my lifelong dream, founding a lucrative timber frame home business in the Northwest. I handled the sales and financial responsibilities, while my partner served as the construction manager.
But early success had its price, dividing my partner and me until we finally went our separate ways, which left me – a novice in terms of construction oversight – responsible for every aspect of the business. I had double the responsibility and stress of the business, plus the job of “entertaining” clients and colleagues.

My drinking escalated. I began using more and more oxycodone to mask my back injuries. It all happened so gradually that I barely perceived my addictive nature, but my family had to endure my unpredictable behavior and caustic comments. When I finally opened my eyes, I was divorced and completely alienated from my grown-up boys. At the very same time, the housing market had fallen into a deep recession, which led to my physical and emotional health spiraling even further out of control. Somehow, I thought I could still handle everything even as I was sinking in the deep end.
I had no clue just how deep it could get.
The building project that I'd been counting on to finally land me on my feet again, instead collapsed — and took me with it, straight through the floor. I went on a five-day alcohol and oxy binge. Those five days have forever vanished from my memory...up until the moment I awoke in jail completely mystified as to where I was or how I had gotten there. I'd tried to kill someone, the police told me. Three snipers, they added, had me pinned in their scopes ready to fire if I made a move. I faced two Class One Felony Assault charges and the possibility of 24 years in prison. And I didn't remember any of it.
Over the next eighteen months, and thanks to a court-appointed lawyer, a tremendous probation officer, forensic psychologists, two good friends, and a compassionate judge, I made it out of prison on parole. But it's all the more thanks to SMART Recovery that I'm alive. It literally saved my life. I studied the SMART Handbook. I took the Facilitator Training and I began facilitating meetings on my own. I fulfilled requests from parole officers to offer meetings. This work, making SMART available to others, has been an important part of my personal recovery.  It has also been enormously rewarding for me.  I don’t look back anymore – instead, I pay it forward!

I hope that you will join me this year as I pay it forward in another way, with a gift to the SMART Recovery Annual Growth Fund.

On behalf of everyone who is looking forward to the day when there is a SMART Recovery meeting in their community,

Rick Stockmann
Discovered SMART in 2011
Volunteer SMART Recovery Meeting Facilitator
Washington State

P.S. Because there are so many people and so many communities that need help, we are dedicated to expanding our network of support meetings.  Please join us in this effort with your tax deductible gift to our Annual Growth Fund.

A contribution to SMART Recovery empowers millions worldwide

with the tools to abstain from any substance or activity addiction.

SMART Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

7304 Mentor Avenue, Suite F, Mentor, OH 44060, United States
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