Subject: News & Views: January 2022

A new year has started

Welcoming in a New Year

Are new year’s resolutions old-fashioned, not worth bothering with? According to some that’s the case, but what’s the flip side? When we spend time reflecting on what we believe needs to comes next in our lives, that can be a way to stimulate action. Resolutions can also be manifestations of our belief in ourselves—which is never a bad thing. Between setting a course of action and believing that we can do it, it seems that the best resolutions (reasonable, thought out, attainable) can be powerful and motivating. So, as we are starting off in 2022 know this: if addressing substance misuse or negative behaviors is something you want to do this year, SMART Recovery is a great place to start. We believe in you, and are always here to help!

SMART Global Research Advisory Committee

Webinar Series 2022

These are exciting times for addiction and recovery research, with new findings and trends emerging every day.  And SMART Recovery plays a vital part in this. That’s why the SMART Global Research Advisory Committee (GRAC) formally invites you to join the first annual SMART Recovery Research webinar series.  Each webinar will feature members of GRAC as they provide exciting overviews of SMART Recovery research now in progress, critical updates on the latest findings, and look forward to where SMART Recovery research is going in the future. 

There will two webinars at different times and dates in order to accommodate the time zones of our worldwide SMART Recovery community.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

6am New York | 11am London | 10pm Sydney


  • Dr. Charlie Orton: An introduction to SMART Recovery in the United Kingdom

  • Dr. Alison Beck: An overview and update of evidence for SMART Recovery

  • Dr. John Kelly: Who uses SMART Recovery? Preliminary findings from a US longitudinal investigation of recovery and health

  • Dr. Ed Day: The opportunities for SMART Recovery in the United Kingdom, in treatment and research

Thursday, March 10, 2022

3pm New York | 8pm London |

7am Sydney (11th)


  • Dr. John Kelly: Who uses SMART Recovery? Preliminary findings from a US longitudinal investigation of recovery and health

  • Dr. Tom Horvath: Future directions for SMART Recovery research

  • Dr. Alison Beck: An overview and update of evidence for SMART Recovery


You Don't Need the Lollipop Right Now

Dr. Joe Gerstein is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and First President of SMART Recovery. He is also a retired Harvard University professor and lectures at addiction symposiums. Joe introduced SMART to the world and has facilitated over 3,000 meetings.  His passion and motivation for helping others is still going strong after 50+ years. Joe shares some of his thoughts and perspectives about being and staying motivated in your recovery.


Start the New Year Off Right

Thoughts & Inspirations: A Journal for Reflection is filled with inspiring quotes and is available as a tool to encourage self-reflection and personal growth. Its simple design and easy to use format create space to respond to both the external world and our interior lives not only possible but enjoyable. Some days thoughts will flow more easily than others, but that’s to be expected. What this journal provides is structure and, hopefully, some good inspiration. 

Tips & Tools for Recovery That Works DVD Collection is a handy resource for face-to-face meeting facilitators, or for anyone to give as a helpful gift to a friend or loved one.  Includes the ABC, HOV, DISARM Tools as well as dozens of Handbook exercises on video that can help anyone at any stage of their recovery.  Playable on any DVD/Blu-Ray player. Not playable on a laptop data disc drive.

Successful Life Skills can help any population learn and improve their lives on a holistic level, focusing on solutions rather than labels or diagnoses. It focuses on choices which are paramount for people to engage and participate in a learning experience. This new manual is by far the easiest, most targeted and user-friendly treatment tool available today.

NAADAC Webinar

Spirituality and Recovery

SMART strives to bring timely, content rich articles and information to our community from a variety of sources.

Experience the awareness and awakening of your healing SELF in this powerful program for those who are seeking spiritual growth and enhanced healing potential. Become aware during this interactive process of your own true healing self and how your spiritual evolution enhances the spiritual, psychological and neurobiological healing of those you work with.

The webinar is free to watch.

In Other SMART News

Veterans & First Responders Meetings

Here Comes the SMARToon!

Holly Paulsen says the word SMARToon was coined by a participant in the specialized veterans and first responders (VFR) meetings created a little more than a year ago. It combines SMART and platoon to indicate a large group of individuals working together toward a common goal. And that is exactly what VFR is (with the name including military overtones): a group of individuals using SMART’s practical tools and mutual support to address their addictions--together...

Life Beyond Addiction

Dennis Irwin

Dennis Irwin's path to recovery has not been linear. He has had lapses, but has not given up. His love of the people in his SMART Recovery meetings keeps him motivated and wanting to be better.

Facilitator Spotlight

Abdul Abdillahi

Abdul has been using SMART and other paths to recovery for several years. He appreciates the variety of people who attend SMART meetings and how inclusive it is to everyone. Abdul recently became a facilitator. Helping others has given him a new purpose in life.

NPR Morning Edition

For Some Good News

We invite you to listen to this uplifting and informative story on successful drug treatment on National Public Radio's Morning Edition. SMART is glad to be part of the solution when people are looking for mutual support group meetings.

SMART Happenings

Join the SMART Insiders+ Program

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When you sign up for the SMART Insiders+ Program, your support goes right to work helping people everywhere recover and thrive. You'll also receive an exclusive Insiders+ welcome package, certificate of enrollment, free access to cutting-edge news, videos, podcasts, interviews, and much, much more!

Become more engaged. Be part of the solution. Join today!

Text INSIDERS to 41444

Shop with SMART

Shop and Support SMART

Amazon Smile

As you're shopping online, don't forget SMART when ordering on Amazon. Select SMART Recovery USA, Inc. as your charity, and AmazonSmile will donate a portion of your eligible purchases to SMART. This also works in the app!

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SMART Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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