Subject: Join Us for New Year's Eve Around the World 2023! 🥳

A global celebration for everyone

Hello SMART Friends,

SMART Recovery has been busy planning for this year's New Year’s Eve Around the World (NYE-ATW). This annual volunteer driven event, has been an important part of many individuals New Year’s Eve plans since 2007.  While previously limited to SROL participants and volunteers, this years celebration is open to the entire SMART Recovery community! Our goal is to offer a lighthearted, entertaining, and supportive space for the entire SMART Recovery community across the globe.

This event starts December 31st at 5:30 a.m. ET and ends on January 1st at 3:30 a.m. ET with volunteers hosting hourly timeslots. This can be a challenging holiday, so we love being able offer an alternative way to celebrate entering the New Year in recovery!

Our NYE-ATW event creates fun ways for people to talk about recovery, period. It’s a unique way to give and receive support from others in recovery, meet new people, and participate in a festive recovery atmosphere. We love being able to offer an alternative way to celebrate New Year’s Eve, which we know can be a challenging holiday.

We hope you join us to celebrate the arriving new year in each time zone with your SMART friends.

SMART Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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