Subject: Free NAADAC Webinar Featuring SMART Co-Founder Tom Horvath

Current Scientific Evidence About Mutual Help Groups 
Free Webinar

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 @ 3:00-4:00pm ET (2CT/1MT/12PT) 


Description: This presentation summarizes the current evidence about the effectiveness of mutual help groups and the mechanisms of action in these groups, including AA, SMART, LifeRing, and WFS. AA is comparably effective to well-implemented CBT. The evidence so far suggests that the other groups are comparably effective to AA. Further studies are in progress.

Similar to evidence about common factors in psychotherapy, mutual help groups appear to have common factors. Any freely chosen mutual help group appears likely to be helpful. This presentation also overviews the range of mutual help groups currently available, their surface differences, and interventions for clients who report having no interest in attending any group. 

Presenter: A. Tom Horvath, PhD

A. Tom Horvath, PhD, is the Founder and President of Practical Recovery Psychology Group, Past President of the American Psychological Association (APA)’s Society of Addiction Psychology (Division 50; the world’s largest organization of addiction psychologists), and author of Sex, Drugs, Gambling & Chocolate: A Workbook for Overcoming Addictions. For 20 years, he was the Volunteer President of SMART Recovery (established 1994), an international non-profit offering free, self-empowering, science-based addiction mutual help groups. 

Price: Education is FREE to all professionals.

Continuing Education Hours: Earn a certificate of completion for 1 CE by passing an online CE quiz upon completion of the webinar - FREE for NAADAC members (join now!) and $15 for non-members.

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