Subject: Flash Sale for Dad! 35% OFF Zero Tolerance 0360.SKD Knife

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Order NOW to get this delivered by Father's Day! (Domestic Orders Only)

The ZT 0360.SKD is a collaboration that yielded what we feel is the BEST small folding knife for EDC carry. There are several exclusive features in the 0360.SKD that were never made available in other ZT models.

  • Our custom blade design reduced 30% of the blade mass and increase the speed of the SpeedSafe assisted opening.
  • The strategically placed Carbide Tip in the pommel gives you a low-profile EDC rescue capability for vehicle extrications (it's actually been used for this in real life!).
  • ZT’s factory tool kit gives you everything you need to install or remove your TWO Pocket Clips- the dual clips were another first for ZT knives.

All in all, the 0360.SKD is a unique product that was made at a time when KAI USA was open to special projects with smaller dealers like us. Collaborations like this one won't likely be available again.

We’re clearing these out, and like many discontinued products, the ZT 0360.SKD will probably be sought after by EDC enthusiasts and knife collectors alike.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get this amazing piece of knife history for DAD (or yourself!) at the deepest discount we've ever had!


237 E. Fifth St. Suite 223, Eureka, MO 63025, United States
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