Subject: The Best Thing I Learned from a Rich Person ⚡️

The Best Thing I Ever Got From a Rich Person
This is one of the hardest but most important lessons in life for success with anything. Most people hope someone will help them get to where they belong. They wait and hope for financial help, or at least great tips and secrets to making it rich. What if the best thing we could ever get is NOT getting any of that? It would force us to look at life differently. Almost all the successful people on Earth are familiar with this one word. The word No. Most people think this is a bad thing. What if it's the most empowering word you could ever be given? Watch and learn.

Testimonials for the Healthy Life
So I got a free sample of the new green formula when I bout some other stuff. I been buying this green formula for a while and WOW it’s tastes AMAZING. I wasn’t expecting such a huge change. More of a minor one that maybe only people with really clean palettes could taste but no this Tastes amazing. It’s sweet and delicious. It tastes only slightly green. I woulda kept buying it anyway but yeah the knew formula is awesome!!

The Green Formula tastes awesome! I was super skeptical since yesterday I tried a green powder supplement that tasted horrible. I think it messed with my stomach a bit too.  The Green formula goes down so smooth. Thank you for including a sample with my package. I'm buying from you from now on Markus!

Thank you ! I just started taking the green formula three weeks ago and WOW I feel amazing! Best benefit: my happiness level is thru the roof :-)

I have all our clients at Purity Holistic Health and Ozone Therapy here in Dallas on this product as well as your vitamin C. Every single person calls me within a week and gives testimony as to how much better they feel and it shocks them!!! You're the MAN!

I did this, the water pick, cayenne pepper tooth powder mix, hydrogen peroxide mouthwash and occasionally activated charcoal tooth whitening. And I’ve been doing it for a few months now and I feel super clean and my teeth are white! Hurray it definitely works

I took your sea moss for 3 days and my bones don't hurt when I get out of my bed anymore. I just have to consistently take the sea moss everyday to keep that up. Thanks!!

People - Take notes -  Markus knocked the ball out the park with his edible food and plant guide , I have bought a few .. If youre a prepper  or know one who is- Get them this book - Its the best there is. Period

I love the new green formula and the seamoss and the Markus sweetener.I am so happy that I am eating healthier. I have so much energy.I am starting to eat raw stuff and less cooking.Thanks to you and Cara.God bless.

re: Age-Free  Fantastic, all these powerful herbs in there! I've been taking age free powder in pills for at least 2 years now. It works!

Thank you Cara for making this video. I use the new product  i.e.  3 in one formula .....which contains all the nutrients of green formula .....72 ingredients in total.....Unbelievable product, that tastes incredible in a smoothie that Markus suggests on the actual package........Full credit to Markus for putting this formula together........and much gratitude to the universe for giving us these free gifts available in nature. N.B. The shipping to New Zealand is worth every cent..........Our health is our wealth.........:)

I started taking Age-Free 2 days ago and I’m in love! It calms me down like nothing else! It is amazing for stress.. he’s telling the truth!

Heal Yourself 101 is THE best book I've ever read for health. Step by step instructions... easy to follow! Helped me and I still go back to the book often.

Hey Markus. I don't know if you heard of Bioresonance therapy. Well anyway, that's what I do if for example doctors cant help me like my nose bleeding I had for 3 month. My therapist who also is a qualified nurse fixed it after two sessions.  She told me that spring is a good time to cleanse the body, so I decided to take your free liver formula for a month. I visit her yesterday and she tested my liver which came up clean as a whistle, never looked better!  Thank you Markus! I also ask her to test your green formula and vitamin C...she can test if my body needs it or not. Both showed up positive. You know Markus I believe in you and your products, but to have confirmed to take the right stuff for my body makes me feel even better! Thanks for all you you guys

I've been using the Collagen Kit (Irish moss, greens formula, and vitamin C) for a little over a year now, and people ask me if I've lost weight.  I haven't lost weight (I'm already at an appropriate weight) but my skin is simply more taut around my jaw and neck, no skin sags anywhere, so it just looks like I've lost weight.

Markus your diet works, I am 35 and look like I am 24 👀. All I do is do your smoothies daily added with age free, greenproC and man formula. I also add probiotics and enzymes to the smoothie as well. Juicing is an everyday occurrence for me. I fast until 1pm everyday and eat only for an hour. You and Bernando Lapallo and Lou Corona inspire me.

WOW....I really liked the old formula but......I don't know how Markus does it but this new green formula is off the charts amazing!!! Thanks so much to Markus and everyone involved in making the products!!!!!

Buy the Prosperity Secret written by Markus  Study, it over and over again, and apply the principles into your own life. Stay laser focussed on your goals every day.

Markus You have no idea how much You are helping me in my life. I became a huge overnight fan of yours after I ordered and started taking your green formula everyday. I was blown away from the quality of it! I am also LOVING these Success videos and appreciate it so much. Please keep doing these videos!!!!!

Thank you for your share Markus. I saw you were sick at a young age and I too had a traumatic past and health decline at only age 19 - my hair was falling, depressed, stressed, fatigue, hormone imbalance...I started a spiritual journey and am taking your greens formula, vitamin c, protein powder and saving up to buy the hormone rebuild, age free and liver formula. I eat bitters and veggies straight from the hair is growing crazy fast again. I feel in control once again Thank you thank you 

Markus & Cara, This will make you smile... We just want you to know that we put your Healyourself 101 as required Health reading, Love On A Plate & Edible Plant Guide on our home school curriculum for electives. (Home Ec. raw emphasized & Herbology) Everything you do means so much to us & I just want future generations to have this knowledge also! Thank you & God bless you both!

Since I've been on your Vitamin C and Greens, I'm getting carded again-- I'm 48. Bless you, Markus and Cara! I'm literally reversing my aging process with your wisdom and products.

I've read the prosperity secret. It's one of the best books I've ever read. I just read it for a second time. Everything in the book makes so much sense and resonates with me so strongly. I know everything in the book is true. I'm applying everything Markus says into my life the best I can and it all works.

re: the previous video- the biggest reason for failure
Great lesson, thank you.  Reminds me of Thomas Edison  :“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” Edison was famous for never giving up in his search for the construction of the electric light bulb. Without his tenacity and almost hard-headed way of never giving up, his idea may not have ever come to fruition. Bob Proctor  has a quote that is very apt for this lesson : " You are the only problem and the only solution." ( In other words, stop blaming external circumstances and take responsibility for everything that happens to you, including the bad stuff,or negative people who teach us lessons.  
Invest in Markus's book ; "The Prosperity SecretYour life will never be the same

I love your motivational videos and made something out of it. Your motivation was there when I started my own business last year. Thanks so much for your help Markus, wishing you and Cara all the best und Grüße aus Kiel :)

God bless you Markus. After only 2 days of green powder and vitamin c , I was dancing waiting for the bus ...I quickly attracted people and started conversing.

Thank you guys! You are so incredible!
The books of Markus changed my entire diet and life. I've never felt healthier and better.
Sometimes I feeling like I'm 10 years old again :')

Thank you Markus!  I have started using some of your principals and I am seeing changes in my life!  I love your books and videos.  The green powder is a must for me everyday in my smoothie as well.   The first time I took it I felt my whole body spiral energetically.  Powerful stuff!
, 1076 E Commerce Drive, Suite 100, St. George, Utah 84790, United States
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