Subject: Super Skinny should be temporary while rebuilding🕴

The scary part before it gets better
While fasting or going on a raw vegan diet, or even a whole food plant based diet, many people lose a LOT of weight, become skinny and some even start losing hair. Friends and family become worried and say to eat "real food" like meat and hamburgers etc. Strangely enough, many of the skinny people say they feel great, are clear headed, and have more energy than ever, yet they become worried because of what they see in the mirror. This video should help explain how for many, this is a temporary phase the body must go through to get rid of the old bad building materials before it rebuilds with good strong new building materials. The super skinny phase should be temporary. Hopefully this video will help explain the situation. Again- this should NOT last years and years. If it does, more nutrition and calories should be consumed and absorption issues should be addressed as explained in the previous video.
Testimonials for the Healthy Life
I've been taking your Man Force formula for quite a while now, somewhere over a year, and its effects are clearly noticeable, it's night and day. 

I have been following you for  about 2 years and have been able to go off my diabetic medication and cholesterol medication,   So thank you, you are very inspirational.

Dear Markus and Cara,
     I had just written to you about how your raw food knowledge is seriously changing my family's health but I just have to share this. So I go to the Eye Dr today. It was time, it had been two years and I was seeing blurry through my glasses. The Dr said I have to change my NO GLASSES. My eyesight has improved to pert near 20/20 vision!  I have had glasses since I was 8yrs old and am 56. No glasses guys! Hubbel telescope eyewear to None!  WOW!  The Dr had a carrot sticker on his name tag...HA HA..I said you need to eat them, not wear them. He was amazed!!
     You are making a difference in my life.
I love you so much! Thank You for sharing your stories and your talents! 
Wynete Tyree

Unfortunately I cannot do no food till 4pm cause I finish work at 6 and dont get home till 7 so I do no food or drink till 7 and it works brilliantly, I feel so good and plenty energy, I usually run or mountain bike lunchtime while my colleagues are stuffing themselves with cooked foods. they think I am weird never mind may be they'll understand in another life. Sometimes I do no food till 2 and have mainly fruits, loads of oranges, they taste divine. Some herball teas but not everyday. When I come back from my exercices I take a cold shower, it is Heaven on earth. Love and light

As someone who's already really young and already has been practising prolonged fasting and eating a vegan/raw vegan diet, Taking this is a game-changer. I can go on insane jogs without running out of energy truly limitless

(Green Formula) This is by far the best product I have ever taken. I am overcoming chronic fatigue syndrome and it's the only thing that helps me have enough energy to get chores done around the house. Markus' products are the real deal and I'm beyond grateful to have access to them.  Truly a blessing.

, 1076 E Commerce Drive, Suite 100, St. George, Utah 84790, United States
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