Subject: Markus and Cara's Photography Channel 📷

Our Photography Channel
It would be a shame to not capture the beauty in our lives so we can look back in the future and smile at the life we had. Cara is not only beautiful but loves to dress up, and my greatest joy is photography, so what a perfect match that is! We travel to the most exotic locations around the world and take pictures that help promote a healthy lifestyle. We also created our own photography channel on Youtube for anyone sharing the love of picture taking. The name of the channel is MarkusPix. Here is the link. All kinds of photography tips, tricks, reviews, photo sessions, behind the scenes stuff and also lots of free gear giveaways.  We also have a Facebook page dedicated to the pictures I take of Cara which you can get to by going to or  Click the green button to see an inspirational video explaining our work. Enjoy!
Testimonial of the Week...
Dear Markus and Cara,
I thank you both, because you are saving my family's lives.
4 of my family members all got cancer at the same time. We lost 6 friends, my dog and we did lose my mom and dad and it was horrendous because we had to watch two of the most beautiful, loving people starve to death in severe Cancer pain... My sister had 2 surgeries and lost her thyroids and I had 3 surgeries and lost my estrogen parts and had a seriously rare kidney surgery that most adults die from. The one Dr killed someone a year later from the same botched surgery I had. 

I thought about starting a new diet called " the lose your parts diet..."  geesh!
I also take care of a brother with a traumatic brain injury from a motorcycle wreck.  My body and mind was so stressed.  I developed Idiopathic Hypersomnia, like Narcolepsy, sleeping in my car in store parking lots because I couldn't just drive home. I developed Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and my 1 Kidney's GFR (glomular filtration rate) was getting worse, below danger zone @ 45. I was fighting with my Dr because he was making copies of my health notes but not giving me much help.

I started buying college medical text books, toxicology books, nursing, ER, pathophysiology & epidemiology books...
My mom knew about Hilda Clark, Weston Price and was a horticulturist genious. We have a Berkey water filter...
But. Oh My Gosh... I am so sorry, mom...
We didn't know...about ingredients.  I learned about toxins. About irradiation, about carbon nanotubes. Who knew the spoonfuls of Ascorbic acid was listed in my nursing book as the cause for oxalate kidney stones. Carrageenan causes Severe inflammation and myalga. The inert ingredients that are in the carrageenans..etc... are heavy metals: lead, mercury, sledge, arsenic. Processed Sugar destroys every cell in your body and feeds every disease. Carbon nano tubes are lodged everywhere in our bodies... and to even discuss what they are capable of--- is beyond the flourine doped minds of 99% of humans. 

A year ago I went to Chicago to see Dr Toni Bark. She explained that my mitochondria is damaged and even though I was eating only organic and not eating cane sugar..I was still addicted to dairy and very insulin resistant.  She did scenar which made me feel awake, I was bawling bcuz I haven't felt awake in years, but it only lasted 3 days. She put me on a 2 week Keto fast. It was like I was dipped in pain...sooo sick. .

AND THEN CAME YOU!!!  I searched for Clean Keto and Raw Eating and you guys came into my life. I have my family and 1 friend in Texas that is now eating completely clean. No one else I know wants anything to do with clean eating... they have basically broken up with me... but the true fact is:  I have no choice but to realigning myself with motivational, healthy people...because many of my friends have died already or are dying.

I am in the armpit of America, central Illinois. NO ONE cares about any of this...they would rather cut off their diabetic rotting feet than to hear that they shouldn't eat sugar. 

The aisles of the creepy Wal Mart...look like the insane asylum in the horror movies...Everyone is in pajamas, moving really slow, their hair all tangled up, no makeup with dark circles... just staring. 

I am an anomoly here, As a bonus, you are making my skin and body look amazing with no effort. 4 people recently asked what plastic surgery I had done on my face. Another actually bought my makeup base from me. Lol... I told them what they need to do is to buy something green and eat it... they glaze over...
I went off all my medicine. I only take 1/2 a narcolepsy pill. My Thyroid disease has dissappeared.  My Kidney GFR went up 10 points. My good fats went up 30 points. My liver and kidney overflow of toxins are down...improved 30 points, almost at 0. ( better than before my surgery 7 years ago.) My family Dr. here is amazed. He wants me to start teaching classes at his gym. I am inspired to share what I now know.

YOUR RECIPES ARE SAVING MY LIFE, MY FAMILY'S LIVES. *(ok there are also a few Dr's on you tube I do follow as well!)
I had no mentors or friends to help me.

I felt like you guys were my friends kind of because you believed in what I believed in and there was no one but my family who I could share my knowledge with or hear important knowledge from. Being healthy makes sense to me.
Thank You for what you do. Thank you for teaching. It matters.  I needed to learn how to unlearn. I needed what you know.  The RECIPES for SUCCESS!!!
Some of us do listen and our lives are changing. I am beating the odds and survival rates. I thank God for you!

You matter in my life and I am so thankful, Markus and Cara. 

Wynete Tyree

, 1076 E Commerce Drive, Suite 100, St. George, Utah 84790, United States
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