Subject: US Embassy Netherlands issues security alert

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SMS Alert Text:

US Embassy Netherlands issues security alert warning of ongoing threats by terrorist orgs and violent extremists w/focus on soft targets. See email for more.

Supplemental Info:

Security Alert – U.S. Consulate General Amsterdam, Netherlands

Location: The Netherlands, countrywide

Event: During the holiday season, security measures in the Netherlands remain heightened due to ongoing threats posed by transnational terrorist organizations and individuals inspired by violent extremist ideology throughout Europe. Violent extremists continue to focus on tourist locations, shopping malls, airports, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, transportation hubs, and other soft targets.

Please follow good security practices at home and while traveling. As a general reminder, if you need emergency Dutch medical or police support, dial 1-1-2. The non-emergency number for the Dutch National Police is 0900-8844.

The U.S. Mission to the Netherlands wishes you a safe and enjoyable holiday season!

Actions to Take:
  • Exercise additional vigilance at holiday festivals and events, places of worship, and locations with large crowds.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Have travel documents up to date and easily accessible.
  • Heed instructions and view updates from Dutch police and government authorities.
  • Review your personal security plans.
  • Monitor local media for updates.
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