Subject: US Embassy Israel urging vigilance and security awareness

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US Embassy Israel urging AMCITS to remain vigilant and increase security awareness due to ongoing rocket fire from Gaza. See your email for more info.

Supplemental Info:

Security Alert: U.S. Embassy Branch Office Tel Aviv
Limited Staffing on November 13, 2019

Location: Gaza, Southern and Central Israel

Event: Due to ongoing rocket fire in Gaza and southern and central Israel, the U.S. Embassy Branch Office in Tel Aviv will operate at limited staffing on November 13, 2019. As a result, visa services and non-emergency U.S. citizen services will be cancelled for the day. Services will remain open at the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. Security incidents can occur well beyond Gaza and its periphery and at any time.

As security incidents, including rocket fire, often take place without warning, U.S. citizens are strongly encouraged to remain vigilant and take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness. In the event of mortar and/or rocket fire, a Red Alert siren may be activated. Treat all such alerts as real; follow the instructions from local authorities and seek shelter immediately. Know the location of your closest shelter or protected space. U.S. government personnel and their family members may be restricted from traveling to areas affected by rocket activity, sirens, and/or the opening of bomb shelters. For additional information on appropriate action to take upon hearing a siren or explosion, see the Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command website (available on devices within Israel) or view the Preparedness Information PDF. U.S. citizens may also wish to download the free Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command application on Android or Apple devices to receive real-time security and safety alerts. Free commercial applications, such as Red Alert: Israel, are also available.

Actions to Take:
  • Be aware of your surroundings
  • Avoid demonstrations
  • Monitor local media
  • Follow the instructions of local authorities

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This email message is a component of the AlertsUSA Homeland Security Threat and Incident Notification Service for mobile devices. You have paid for this service and are encouraged to archive these messages.

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