Subject: CDC Zika Virus Response Increase

CDC moves EOC to Level 1 activation due to Zika virus threat. Renews
warning to pregnant women re travel to affected areas. See your email for
addl info.

Expanded Message:

The Zika virus is spread to people through mosquito bites. While the most
common symptoms of Zika virus disease are fever, rash, joint pain, and
conjunctivitis (red eyes), the virus is linked to Guillain-Barré syndrome,
birth defects and poor pregnancy outcomes.

This move by the CDC reflects the agency’s assessment of the need for
an accelerated preparedness to bring together experts to focus intently
and work efficiently in anticipation of local Zika virus transmission by
mosquitoes in the continental U.S..

Thus far, all cases in the U.S. are reported to be travel related, though
spread of the virus through blood transfusion and sexual contact have
been reported.

If you are traveling out of the country to any of the areas listed below, you
would do well to consult with a physician PRIOR to leaving. This is
strongly advised if you are pregnant.

If you are traveling out of the country to any of the areas listed below in
the next several months, you would do well to keep this subject in mind
and to follow the topic in the news closely. Authorities do expect the
situation to become worse are we head into the warmer months.

CDC: Countries and territories with active Zika virus transmission

CDC: Map of Reported U.S. Cases:

State Department: Zika Virus Information for Travelers