Subject: I never told anyone this...

Hey it's Serdjim...

One of my students today asked me "WHY" I do what I do...

As in...

Why did I slog away at my online business and keep going...

Even though I couldn't get in profit for almost a year...

And then continue to pump in time, money and energy...

Night after night...

Day after day...

Into my business?

And my answer was simple.

(And this is something YOU might resonate with as well)...

I told him...

"Well what's the alternative??...

Wake up every morning at 6am...

Get stuck in traffic for 2 hours a day...

Work 8-10 hour days, 6 to 7 days a week...

Not have any time to spend with my family or loved ones...

Then doing that every day over and over and over again for the rest of my life!??...

Heck no!"


It was an easy answer.

And if I had to do this all over again from the beginning...

And take another 1 year to finally be financially free using the power of the internet...

(Btw - if you have the right info and someone help you through the process, it won't take you that long) ;)

I would happily do it.

Because the alternative...

Which basically sounds like a prison sentence to me...

Where you have ZERO freedom...

Is just something that I can't live with.

Now I don't know about you?

But if you're on the fence about this whole online thing...

You need to ask yourself why??

Are you happy with where you are in life?

Are you happy about struggling with the bills?

Or waking up early in the morning?

Or getting stuck in traffic?

And basically not being able to live in REAL freedom?

Because if you are happy living like that - then that's GREAT!

Don't change a thing.

But if you're not...

Then remember...

You have a choice...

Just like I did....

And only YOU have the power to change your circumstances.

FACT: Your future is not written in stone.

No matter how bad you "think" your circumstances or background is...

No one or anything should stop you from living the most amazing life you can live.

Because you only have ONE life.

Remember that.

You can do this.

I believe in you!

Let's speak soon,
Serdjim ;)

PS. Want some help to finally make your first $25,000 online? Here's 2 ways I can assist you when you're ready:

=> 1) Book a 45-minute Free Call with me: If you're making high ticket sales but you're bellow 5-figures a month and want to scale your income using my help, click here to book a free call with me, so we can discuss and see how I can help you do that

=> 2) Partner with ME & Zach: Want to work with me and my 7-figure partner, leverage his million dollar system and his help, then click here to watch his free training series before you apply.

P.P.S Please only schedule a call if you're really committed to doing this. Im setting aside free time to personally speak with you. I don't have a lot of time to do this because I'm busy running my own business and helping people, so please only book if you're serious and committed to do this.

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