Subject: Hey, let's talk!

Hey, Serj here ;)

Today I want to share with you  some of the lessons I've learned  that truly changed my life. 

This took me from broke and struggling to pay my bills, to having a life I always dreamed of..

I'm not here to brag, but when you learn how to do the right things, and do those things consistently, your life can change really fast!

It's actually much easier and more profitable to do the right things, compared to
living a life paycheck-to-paycheck, like everyone thinks it's normal.

Take time to really read this email and soak it all in, because when you believe it and apply it, I'm 100% confident it will change your life, just like it did for me and my coaching students.

Regardless if you've been trying to make money online for a month, or 5 years, 
there's a lot of things you probably don't see that are completely obvious.

I see it every day with people write me emails and reach out to me on Facebook asking for help.

They're desperate to change their life, and help their family have more.

And 95% of people in the home business arena are failing, struggling, stressed out, depressed, and they feel like quitting.

They're holding on by a thread hoping and praying to figure out how to make this business work so they can have the lifestyle they desire.

The Problem: Most people are following people blindly.

They buy into the hype that a $47 course is going to give them the "secret" to riches and they continue down this cycle until they're bitter and think everyone is out to scam them or they quit.

I see it every day when a new product launches and every marketer jumps to promote it to get their piece of the pie.

Most of these products people are selling the sizzle, not the steak.

They never even made money with the product they created, but the hook is what they sell.

This is why I left that industry because after seeing what went on it left me feeling empty inside...

When I started out I struggled for a long time buying these very products that's why I only promote products I truly use and believe in and know will help my tribe.

When you go through this cycle of buying all the new products and following every marketer you can find, you’re left feeling overwhelmed, unsure of what you should be doing and you begin to think that you’re not smart enough to make all of this work.

Don’t feel bad, I’ve been there.

Most people don’t get the results they want because they’re overwhelmed thinking they need to learn everything before they even get started.

Every successful person I know including myself are really good at a few things.

Noticed I said a few and not many. We still focus on learning new skills and acquiring new knowledge to get better, but we are exceptional at a few because we put our focus there.

1.) Find a mentor

The key to get what you want is to find someone already doing and making the money you want to make.

For years I tried to do it on my own and I got some success this way, but I struggled a lot more than necessary.

Now I constantly invest in self education and coaches so I can help my tribe better.

Anytime I want to learn a new skill I find a coach to shortcut my success.

Now I get good at new skills much faster because I learn the right process from the start over failing my way to success.

Find a mentor who’s there for you, can answer your questions and is in this business for the long term.

I personally answer every single question that people write me.

I’ve got coaches in the past that stopped helping the minute I paid so find someone you trust.

2.) Your Habits Create Your Future

Most people know I’m a huge on personal development and mindset, but your habits are even more important than being a positive thinker.

Let me explain…..

I recently read a book called the power of habit and it talks about how even once someone suffered amnesia they could still remember to do things.

Kind of weird huh?

There was a guy in the book who had amnesia and he can’t even remember which doorway in home leads to the kitchen.

However when the person asked him if you’re hungry what would you do the man stood up and walked to the kitchen and made a sandwich.

He didn’t remember when doorway led to the kitchen, but out of habit he could get up and walk straight to the kitchen.

Your mind is a powerful tool and to think like a millionaire you have to work on it daily, but if you creatine a routine of what you do daily it will become a habit.

So even if you’re feeling down, depresses and stressed one day you will still sit down and do the tasks you need to get done to bring in the money into your business.

Successful people do what need to be done even when they don’t really want to do it.

Success is about doing little things consistently that get the biggest results.

You do not need to be wasting your time mastering every skill, just the skills that will make you money.

3.) Master a traffic source

Traffic is the key to this game and it doesn’t matter what you’re promoting, without traffic you have no business.

I see most people will buy every course and product that launches, but the minute you ask them to invest in traffic to generate leads they don’t want to do it.

This is a business and you either invest your time or money or both.

I started with paid traffic because I wanted fast results. I ended up wasting a lot more money then what I was making. Learning a new skill takes time, but learning a skill like paid traffic, takes both, time and money.

I personally do only organic (free) traffic strategies for over a year now. 

I've made multiple five figures with less then 2000 facebook friends, less then 250 members in my group, and less then 1000 subscribers on my list....

Now, it doesn't matter if you choose to master Facebook, Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram, Reddit,... 

Just choose one and spend enough time to master it.

4.) Build your TRIBE

Most people say the money is in the list and I think most people just say it because they heard someone else say it.

The money is in the relationship and the trust people have in you.

When you focus on adding value to peoples lives everyday it allows them to see who they’re really dealing with.

When you help the people on your list and guide them to what they want and need you create long term customers.

Most people in this industry just write emails with two sentences and a link and send people to a new sales page to buy a product everyday.

They don’t take time to educate them how the product will help them and they don’t care if it will help them.

Their only goal is to make money.

Hey, I’m here to make money as well, but you can do it by helping the people and not being the cheesy salesman.

When you help people and care about their needs you create long term loyal customers.

I have people that have been on my list and buying from me for over four years.

I get marketers coming to me all the time telling me no one is opening their emails and no one buys.

It’s because they don’t value the people and only treat them as a number.

People aren’t stupid and they can see what you think and feel based on how you write to them.

When you have the four principles above right you have the ability to create money at will.

I really mean that. Once I learned to build a list and cultivate relationships I was able to create money out of thin air to buy cars, pay bills, take vacations, invest in new businesses or whatever I wanted.

If you’re struggling to get your business in line and looking for a mentor to help you create the income you want to make then I invite you to work with me and my 7-figure partner and mentor.

The guy who was able to help me brake the chain of struggling to make sales online...

But before you book your Free call, I want you to look into few  FREE case studies of the people he has helped.

Once you see the value he provides, and figure if he can help you or not, you can book a free call with him and apply to become a coaching student and partner.

On the Free call, he will ask you questions to figure out your strengths, your weaknesses and what needs to change to get you results.

He will also ask you questions, to identify if you're the person he would want to work with, and can actually understand and implement his strategies quickly. 

(the more transparent you are, the faster he will figure out and tell you if he wants to accept you or not)

To your success,
Serdjim Veli
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