Subject: SEND Newsletter - Monday 9 August

A teacher and a student doing maths work at school - Text saying SEND Newsletter. Northumberland County Council Logo

Welcome to the second edition of our SEND Newsletter.

Read below the fantastic news from our service and learn more.
Northumberland Local Offer
The Northumberland Local Offer is a free and impartial service provided by Northumberland County Council. We provide information about what is available in Northumberland for children and young people aged 0- 25 years with special education needs and or a disability (SEND) and their families.

This includes information about services and support such as things to do and advice and guidance on education, health, social care and transport.

Our Local Offer website has been planned and produced with parents, carers, services across the local authority and health, schools, colleges and early years settings and voluntary sector colleagues.

Be You Northumberland
The Be You programme is delivered by a range of providers from both the statutory and voluntary sectors, in conjunction with services across health, education and children's early help social care.

Be You logo
It aims to ensure that all children, young people and the adults who support them, have easy access to a range of information and support services.

If you have a child in your care and live within Northumberland, the Be You programme has an online platform to help you support their mental health and wellbeing.
Be You - Click here to watch the YouTube video
This film tells you about the 'Be you' mental health support teams in Northumberland who support young people's mental wellbeing and help them to build resilience and identify issues early.

Senior Mental Health Lead Training 
As part of Northumberland's commitment to supporting the needs of our children and young people we will be offering additional localised training to Mental Health Leads in our schools and settings. 

Northumberland will be offering a localised training course to those who work in schools and settings as part of a National Network of Mental Health Leads.

The Network is a nationwide consortium of organisations who believe that mental health leads within our schools and settings need to understand the local landscape and that a national training team will not be best placed to deliver training with a focus on the local context.

Working with the consortium, Northumberland Educational Psychologists and our Senior Mental Health Lead Co-ordinator will be delivering these courses working closely with health colleagues from the Be You Mental Health Support Teams.

The training will be accredited (Level 4) courses, cover all Department for Education Learning Outcomes and provide a localised picture based on our knowledge and experience of working with schools and systems that support emotional wellbeing and mental health in Northumberland. 

We will share more information with you on this in the coming weeks.
Career support
Careers guidance for school leavers  
Many students will be eagerly awaiting their exam results and considering their options for the future.

Results will be out this week, and whilst for a second year it may not have been the experience many had hoped for, with results being centre graded, it is a time when they will need to be thinking about what they want to do next.

Northumberland’s Careers Guidance Team are ready and waiting to help guide Northumberland's young people on the right path. Whether considering further education, apprenticeships, traineeships or joining the armed forces there are multiple options out there.

The service can also offer advice and guidance to those aged 16 - 18 who are currently unemployed.

The team are fully qualified and experienced careers advisers. They can help young people to:
● find the opportunities they are looking for
● tell them about courses and apprenticeships in their area
● plan a route to the career they want
● and help them improve their job search skills
If you or someone you know is a Year 11 school leaver or 16-18 and not in education, employment or training, get in touch with the team on 07827 244027 or email

Northumberland’s Local Offer is continually developing and your feedback is important to help us shape the future delivery.

Please let us know if you there is something you would like to find out about in future bulletins.
Have your Say - Click here to give your feedback
Northumberland County Council, County Hall, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 2EF, United Kingdom
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