Subject: 14 Reasons Why...

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14 Reasons Why You Need To Look At This NOW To Change Your 2014 Forever!

Hello Australia! 

First and foremost - Happy New Year!!!  

As promised, here are the 14 Reasons why you need to look at the Seacret Direct Founders Club opportunity NOW:
  1. This particular opportunity will never exist again - it is only available 3 more days 
  2. There are only 1,000 member spots in the Founders Club (and it is almost filled)
  3. Founders will receive a 2% Bonus of Total Net Revenue of Seacret Direct Australia from Jan 6, 2014 through Dec 31 2016 (that is approx. 2 Years!)
  4. Bonus pool payouts will be rewarded annually - in Feb 2015, Feb 2016 and Feb 2017
  5. Founding Members will have the EXCLUSIVE right to sell, enroll and build teams during the Pre-Launch period until May 5, 2014 - gives you an incredible edge
  6. Founding members will receive a bonus of $400 (USD) for every new Seacret Agent enrolled
  7. The Founders Pak is an incredible value (*see below for more on this)
  8. Free shipping of Founders Pak and Launch kit (also an incredible value)
  9. Founding Members will have a lifetime membership in the founders club, with access to pre-launch products and samples before anyone else
  10. Founding Members will have immediate access to your own Seacret Direct Back Office
  11. Founding Members will receive a Unique Founders Club Pin awarded at the Australian Pre-Launch event
  12. You will have a Founding Membership in the most incredible company that exists in the world (**more on this below too)
  13. Your commissions and bonuses will be paid weekly (within 2 weeks of each commission closing period)
  14. You will have access to the absolute best leadership and training in this profession
For those of you who haven't contacted us yet to chat about being a Founding Member for our launch into Australia, we realize you may be skeptical. Being skeptical is smart.  We were skeptical too, and did not jump into this lightly.

Still, sometimes that ground floor opportunity is real. In this case, we know it is. But what's more important is that you know it is.

If you work a job right now, you are probably building someone else's dreams.  A job is a great place to start, just not a great place to end.  

If you want something better in life than you have now, watching this 15 minute video will allow you to decide if you want to do your due diligence on this. And even if it's not for you, you will hear a story that will be worth your time - because it will inspire you.  What you'll hear is the fascinating story of how this company was born, and the vision of the founder:
As we're sure you've figured out, one thing we do is help people with many different skin issues - because the Dead Sea is so healing.  The other things we do is to find people who really want to pursue their dreams - and show them the tools and tasks to do to turn their dreams into reality.  At Seacret Direct, that happens over and over again for people because we have such a clear vision, and simple, powerful systems in place that give everyone from beginners to experienced business people and network marketers the ability to succeed.

Below we've given you just a small sampling of the before and after pictures from people we've helped with skin concerns.  We have many, many, many more.  If you want to see more, please let us know.

And if you haven't already done this, click on the 15-minute video above so you can start to understand how different and incredible this company is - built on ethics, core values - with a vision that puts the power back into the hands of the people.  Then research the leaders that have left 6 and 7 figure incomes to join Izhak and participate in the creation of something incredible.

The Founders Pack includes an Australian Agent Agreement, the purchase of a $70 (USD) Launch Kit and a $1,900 (USD) Founders Pack with a recommended retail value of $4,185 (USD) that contains all of the Seacret Weapons a Seacret Agent needs - all of the products that produced the results above, plus more.

For the full story about the Seacret Australian launch, watch this video:  
One more thing before we go...

At our first large Seacret Direct event, when we were doing our due diligence, and making that challenging decision about whether to leave another business and join Seacret, Moty (Izhak's brother) told us a powerful story that was a big factor in our decision, because it told us what kind of people these were.

The story was about a job ad that was ran in a newspaper long, long ago, in the early 1900s.  This was the ad:

Men Wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in event of success.

From this ad, a crew of 28 men was formed to explore the Antartic Islands. As Moty tells the story, he tells of the multiple hazardous journeys this motley crew took - many of which were not successful - and some men were lost on the various trips. After many trips, the captain asked if they would still be willing to go again - and got a strong yes from all - and they finally reached their goal - and achieved great success and recognition.  The difference between winners and losers is that winners fail until they succeed.

Moty asked, what would our ad look like?  Our ad at Seacret?  And this is what he came up with:

Needed:  Pioneers willing to take on challenging, life-changing missions, with the ability to redefine an industry.  Family and friends will reject and ridicule you.  Low wages to start.  In case of success, guaranteed recognition & guaranteed great abundance.

We decided that is who we are, and these are the people we want to work with.  Our goal in sending these emails to you is to make sure that you have a chance to see this.  It is amazing.  It is simple, but not easy.  And we are looking to build a strong Australian crew, just like we're building a strong American crew, who can overcome the odds and create an incredible life - together.

We look forward to hearing from those of you who are ready to take on this journey.

Rick & Shana Frey
ID: 128059
Phone: +1-858-414-2796
Skype: rickandshana

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