Subject: 🆕 Friend -- Our $600 surprise donation began our year of donations

As the pandemic struck, ScanMyPhotos cut its marketing budget. We redirected our focus to aid those in need and on the front lines of the pandemic

"Our year of donations

began with this $600 surprise gift."


 Mr. Rogers said, “When I was a boy, and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”

The ScanMyPhotos Menu of Photo Preservation Services

As the pandemic struck, we cut our entire marketing budget. We redirected our focus to aid those on the front lines of the pandemic. Our months of giving back began with a $600 donation of pastries to a Brooklyn hospital.


This year, as part of our 31st anniversary and in the spirit of giving back, we also made donations to struggling families and small businesses across the nation.


It all began after reading this New York Times article by Opinion columnist Jennifer Senior. The first recipient was De Jour Bakery in Brooklyn, NY. Our $600 donation helped kept their doors open as they made a surprise delivery of their delicious pastries to the Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital.

Despite the challenge of equating the year behind us with the usually joyful time ahead, we wish you the very best for the festive season. It is time for renewed hope in the possibilities for 2021.


Everyone at ScanMyPhotos wishes you a safe and happy holiday season.