Subject: Italian sounding products: A 90 billions EUR problem

Dear Friend,

As food experts, you already know that Italian sounding is an important issue for those who deal with real Made in Italy.

Italian sounding refers to the improper use of names and images of Italy to deceive consumers into buying products that are not truly Italian.

A recent survey conducted by Assocamerestero on Italian sounding food products revealed that Italian sounding has a significant impact on the global economy, with a turnover of 90 billion euros globally

This value has grown by 70% in the last ten years and is equal to three times the turnover of Italian exports in the food sector.

It is important to note that the choice of Italian sounding is not always related to cost or price. In some markets and for some products, the lack of knowledge about the features and quality of authentic Italian products leads consumers to choose Italian sounding instead.

Saporalia is a brand that always stays true to its origins. We offer you, and your Customers, only the highest-quality Italian gourmet. Our products are made by small artisans all over our beautiful Peninsula and we are proud of our mission to spread the delicacies of our culture globally.

We encourage you to support the True Italian Taste and choose authentic Made in Italy products. By doing so, you will not only enjoy the genuine flavors of Italy but also contribute to supporting the Italian food industry.

Get in touch to know more about our production and how our service can be an added value to your business.

Gold medal at the Dubai International Taste Awards 2023
Winner of Premio Export Italia 2023

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