Subject: ✤ Saint Gianna's Trust in God

Saint Gianna Beretta Molla's Trust In God.
In early-1956, Saint Gianna and Pietro Molla were barely newlyweds. In the evening, Gianna would leave her medical office to get home to prepare an evening meal for she and her new husband. Before the meal, they would pray together thanking the Lord for His Blessing upon them. During the meal, the two of them would give details of their day’s event.

During one of these evening meals, Gianna asked Pietro for his help in a decision she had to make. She told Pietro that the Ponte Nuovo children’s day-care center and clinic for mothers had offered her the position of Medical Director, and she wanted her husband’s opinion. She told him she would really like to accept if he thought it was a good idea. Pietro told her that he thought it was a great opportunity for Gianna. She gave her acceptance the next day.

Gianna worked diligently at her new pediatrician position, making sure that every patient was made to feel wanted and important. Gianna had a special way with children. She could quickly put them at ease and distract them from any fears they might be feeling.  See picture below of Gianna's medical office.

At other times, nervous, and sometimes, frightened mothers-to-be would come to her for medical help and advice. Gianna would reply to them, “Why don’t we pray together for a few minutes,” and she would invite, “Dear Jesus, I bring you this young woman and her baby to you. Please fill them both with your love and courage. Strengthen this mother’s desire to bring a new life into the world. Help her to believe in the beauty and sacredness of all human life. Amen.”

One day a very troubled young woman came to Gianna, crying “I love my baby, Doctor, but I am not married, and I don’t know how I will support the child. I don’t know what to do. I have even considered abortion even though it is illegal and would be a sin. Can you help me?”

Gianna gave the young woman and hug, and told her, “You don’t have to be afraid anymore. I will make sure that you and your baby receive all the help and support you need. Let’s put everything into God’s Hands. Your situation is difficult, but with Jesus, everything will work out. Your baby is a special gift from God. Together you and I will prepare to receive him or her. Think about the little life inside of you and be happy. Alright?” “Alright” the woman replied.

Gianna was devoted to her patients and incorporated her deep Catholic religious beliefs into her medical practice. She is an example for all of us to follow in our own lives!


Saint Gianna, you’ve taught us—not only with words but also through your example—some very important truths. One is that God wants all families to be centers of love. Remind me that the love and understanding I practice in my own family can help make the world a better place.

You’ve also shown us that every unborn baby is a precious and unrepeatable gift of God whose life should never be taken away. Saint Gianna, ask God that all people may come to understand and believe this. Remind me to pray every day for an end to abortion. I want to do what I can to respect and protect the life of each and every person, because every human being has been created by God in His Own Image.

Saint Gianna, you loved life. You knew it was a great gift. Help me to know what God wishes me to do with my life; to spend it well and for the good of others, just as you did. You found joy by trusting God in everything. Help me to do the same. Please pray for me. 

May God Bless You and Your Loved Ones!

The Society of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla – The Board of Directors


PO Box 2946, Warminster, PA 18974, United States
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