Subject: ✤ Saint Gianna Beretta Molla's Second Child is Born December 11, 1957

Saint Gianna Beretta Molla's Second Child, Maria Zita (Marolina), is Born December 11, 1957.
Pietro and Gianna had become the proud parents of their first child, Pierluigi, on November 19, 1956. Then God blessed the couple with their second child, Maria Zita (Mariolina), just after Pierluigi’s first birthday, on Wednesday, December 11, 1957. She had been born at home just as Pierluigi had been born the year before.

The couple was over joyed with pride, and Pietro and Pierluigi were kept outside the room. Pierluigi was very anxious to see his mother and sister after his uncle Dr. Ferdinand Beretta helped his mother deliver Mariolina. Pietro had a time keeping Pierluigi quiet until it was time to see his new sibling. When Pietro and Pierluigi were allowed access to the room, Pierluigi rushed ahead of his father to his mother’s bedside. He reached out his small hand, and he patted his Mama’s arm. Babbling happily all the while watching Mariolina wrapped in his mother’s arms. Pierluigi watched the sleeping Mariolina approvingly. Mariolina already had an impressive head of hair.

Gianna introduced Pierluigi to his new sister and asked him if he wanted to know her name. He nodded his head. Gianna announced, “This is your sister, Maria Zita, but we will call her Mariolina.”  See picture below.

Christmas, 1957 was an especially happy occasion for Gianna and Pietro. Gianna exclaimed, “My children are truly my treasures. How can I ever thank you, Lord, for entrusting them to me!”  See photo below of Saint Gianna holding her first daughter, Mariolina.

Gianna told Pietro, “My parents believed in education by persuasion; they always spoke respectfully to us. They did their best to help us understand things without becoming impatient or angry. Pietro, that is the kind of mother I want to be.”

Pietro replied, “I totally agree. My parents were like that too. They lived in a way that showed us that life is a gift from God to be respected and appreciated.”

Below is a daily Prayer to End Abortion. Every unborn child is God’s Precious gift, and we have no right to end a human life. Let’s pray for all those who struggle through abortion and who want to end their unborn babies.

Daily Prayer to End Abortion

     Father in heaven, we thank you for the precious gift of human life to our first parents, Adam and Eve, and to every human being down the centuries till today.
     In your Divine Providence, you have made us Your collaborators in the transmission of this gift and in preserving it from the moment it is conceived till it is transformed into life eternal.
     We beg pardon for those who suffocate human life in unborn babies, who eliminate it violently with enmity and hatred, or who suppress it prematurely in the elderly and the terminally ill.
     Grant us so to cherish human life that we shall always respect and defend it, especially within the sacred shrine of the family where it is born and nurtured. We promise to use the gift of life with gratitude and care at all times and in every place.
     We make this prayer to You, our loving Father, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Life, in the Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life, and the name of Jesus Christ, your Son, who came that we may have life in abundance. 

May God Bless You and Your Families,
The Society of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla – Board of Directors

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