Subject: Checking in....your Rising Consciousness journey.....

Hi Friend!
It has been a little while since we connected....How are you? Have you had a chance to watch / re-watch / catch up on the interviews???

As I was driving home today from Toronto...I was thinking about you, the series and all the amazing speakers who participated lovingly and wholeheartedly! What a beautiful, powerful and high vibe experience all this was!!!!! I, personally, want to go back and re-watch them! Soooooo much goodness throughout!

It always amazes me what we CAN create when we come together, focus on a soul-vision.....and take a step! And the step is just as important as the tuning in, listening, doing our spiritual practice and connecting! What next step are you taking along your path??? What next soul step has presented, stirred with or called to you??? are ALWAYS guided, ALWAYS loved, ALWAYS soulfully-supported! And any step you take is perfect! You can't get life wrong. You really can't. There's a moment, a choice, a step and then the next step!

AND....if you're ready to take a powerful, higher self step....I have a possible path for you to consider and step into!!!!!

Based on feedback that we've received from our follow-up form (thank you to those who completed it!!! rock!)....2 Higher Self creations have arose as a result!!!!!
  1. Living Your Soul Self 4.0
  2. Living Your Soul Self 9.0
4 weeks, online, self-study....where you get to take in content at your own pace. No schedule!

Each week includes: a prerecorded video class with yours truly; 1-2 meditations to help you integrate the soul work; 1 Energy Activation to align, awaken and open your cells, energy field and light-body, corresponding to the content in that week; and tools to take into your life so that you can continue the "work"!
  • Week 1 ==> Healing the Past, Free The Self
  • Week 2 ==> Connecting to Your Higher, Soul Self
  • Week 3 ==> Intuition Expansion
  • Week 4 ==> Grounding & Embodying Your Higher Self
3 months, online, LIVE with yours truly!

Weekly online "class" with the 4th week "off" to integrate. For a total of 9 classes.
Includes: 1, 30 min private soul coaching session AND the above "Living Your Soul Self 4.0".

Each week: a live video class with yours truly; 1-2 meditations to help you integrate the soul work; 1 Energy Activation to align, awaken and open your cells, energy field and light-body, corresponding to the content in that week; and tools to take into your life so that you can continue the "work"! And Live Q&A and time to connect!
  • Week 1 ==> Healing the Past, Free The Self (taught live)
  • Week 2 ==> Connecting to Your Higher, Soul Self (taught live)
  • Week 3 ==> Intuition Expansion (taught live)
  • Week 5 ==> Grounding & Embodying Your Higher Self (taught live)
  • Week 6 ==> Spiritual Energy Flow between Others & within Self
  • Week 7 ==> Being & Staying in Alignment
  • Week 9 ==> Higher Self Relationships
  • Week 10 ==> The Oneness & The Divine
  • Week 11==> Creation, Manifestation & Projection

If you have any questions....please message me :)

And....If you.....
.....have finished the series....then perhaps go back and re-watch them all or your favs. Stay plugged in to high vibe goodness and content!

.....are catching up on the series....then continue to commit to the process and watch at least one / day!

.....have just joined our community and just started watching the interviews....amazing! Continue on!

Regardless as to where we are on the path.....everything is perfect! Everything is aligned! And everything is unfolding exactly as it needs to for your ultimate soul's growth and expansion....which is beautiful, perfect and unique to YOU!!!!! Trust in your flow!
Have a sweet, loving, soulful, and joyous day! You are worth having, living and creating an amazing, brilliant and beautiful life!
P.S. For the replays you have exclusive access by using the following private link ==>
.....with the following password (case sensitive and for your eyes only): riseUP

And...If you know anyone in YOUR life who could benefit from this series.....please feel free to share! The more we RISE UP together....the faster we ALL get to live in bliss!

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

I so appreciate you being a part of this loving and soulful community! Being a part of this community gives you exclusive access to "The Rising Consciousness Series" and abundant goodness to elevate your life! You also have full choice in being a part of this community, and if you no longer resonate with the content, you can easily remove yourself from our emails. Of course we will miss you, and we understand. Blessings all around : )
22 Basswood Drive, L9S 2A8, Barrie, Canada
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