Subject: Urgent: Lightning Rods Required at Schools

Foto Friday

May 3, 2024

Beautiful but Deadly

Dear Friend,

This is not our usual Foto Friday email because earlier this week, I received a message from Uganda that I need to share with you.

The short story is that lightning rods must be installed on all buildings at Mustard Seed Academy quickly, or the government will close the boarding section. 265 students will be forced to study from home—and you know what most of their homes are like.

You can prevent this by giving a special gift to help install these critical safety devices. 

Here’s what’s happening: in response to more frequent violent storms, lightning strikes, and school fires, the Ugandan government has mandated new requirements for boarding schools. While Mustard Seed already meets or exceeds most requirements, lightning rods are missing.


Most of our boarding students come from homes not conducive to learning. If students can’t board, they will lose the nutritious food, comfy bedding, tutoring, and extracurricular activities vital to their success.

I would hate to see that happen, and I know you feel the same.

So, please make a generous gift today to help meet the new government requirements and keep our boarding students in school safe and secure.

I haven’t had time to update the donation page this link will take you to, but if you make a gift, I’ll make sure it goes to helping install the lightning rods and keeping Mustard Seed boarding students at school.

Anything you can give today will make a real difference. I’ll report back soon with a photo and story about students boarding at school.

All my best,


P.S. Each lightning rod costs $400. With 12 buildings on campus, this is too much for the regular budget to absorb.

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