Subject: The "buck" stops right here ... with you!

FROM: Nedda at


SUBJECT:  The "buck" stops right here ... with you!
The election is over.
It's time to participate in a different way.

By creating harmony and peace within
yourself, you spread harmony and peace
 in the hearts and consciousness of all.
Whatever is in your heart and mind is
what you are contributing to the group consciousness
of all humanity.
Hatred, prejudice, meanness, and fear.
That's what the "dark side" wants you to feel.

These feelings make you small.
They trap you in a prison of bitterness.

Love, compassion, and forgiveness.
That's what you truly ARE.

These feelings make you expand!
They set your FREE!

When you ask your Divine Self, "How can I contribute to helping humanity reach its fullest potential?"
you might receive an answer like this:

"Begin with yourself, of course.
  1. Go into your heart center.
  2. Forgive yourself for being afraid.
  3. Forgive yourself for being angry.
  4. Forgive yourself for mean and negative thoughts.
  5. Love yourself.  Love yourself.  Love yourself.
Look into your own eyes in a mirror and love whomever you see.

Look into the eyes of a loved one, and love them fully, without reservation.

Look into the eyes of a stranger and recognize that you and they are one.

If humanity is going to transform and ascend, it's up to each and every one of us to participate consciously in the healing process of all.

It starts and ends with you.

The "buck" stops right here ... with you!

A Simple Forgiveness Prayer Based on Ho'Oponopono.

I'm sorry,
Please for give me.
I forgive you.
I forgive myself.
I love you.
I love myself.
Thank you.
We are One.

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Nedda Wittels, 9 Knollwood Circle, 06070, Simsbury, United States
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