Subject: From my heart 💕 to your heart: What do I do for you that you value the most? Infinite appreciation and gratitude for you taking the time to respond.

Content is light-encoded to assist your journey.
Dear  Friend,

I'm very interested to know how you'd answer just one question. You only need write 3 words in response.

This is not about the name of a service I offer.

It's about how you experience my services and what you get out of a session with me.


What would you say I do?

Reply to EMAIL.

I'm looking forward to learning about your perspective on what I do.

Thank you.


Multidimensional Body Scan
A 30 minute session.

Sometimes there are things going on in our bodies that are difficult for us to pin down or identify on our own.

This is one reason why having a professional scan your body can be very helpful.

A multidimensional body scan can confirm what you are feeling intuitively.

It can also provide you with more detail, and even some suggestions on next steps to address a specific issue.

As you transition to 5th Dimensional, Diamond, Crystalline, Golden Christ Light of Unity Consciousness, your physical form is changing.

You may be having all kinds of strange symptoms.

Your emotions and beliefs are being challenged.

You can assist your body through this amazing transformation when you learn from your body what it needs.

Multidimensional Body Scan
A 30 minute session.

Regular price: $85.
You pay only $45.
Buy Now: April Special >
‘All the world's a stage and we are merely players’ - William Shakespeare
Sarah Kirton asked me some very intriguing questions about Animal Communication and Ascension.
Check out our conversation...

~~ Services for Animals
To help you and your animals, filling your lives with love, joy, and well-being.
  • Animal Communication
  • Distance Energy Healing, including Preparation for Surgery (spaying, neutering, and more)
~~ Services for Humans
to facilitate healing and support your Ascension process.
  • Spiritual Empowerment Coachingâ„¢
  • Intuitive Multidimensional Energy Healing
  • Multidimensional Body Scans
  • Preparation for Surgery
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