Subject: 📔Striving Toward Wholeness by Barbara Hannah in January Book Spotlight📔

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 January Book Spotlight:
Striving Toward Wholeness by Barbara Hannah
Striving Toward Wholeness

Paperback Original Price $27.95
On Sale for $13.97

Barbara Hannah studies the psychic processes that move people to strive for wholeness of personality, an integration of all innate capacities. Since this inner drama manifests itself with special intensity in the lives of creative individuals, she has taken up the biographies and literary productions of five major English novelists—Robert Louis Stevenson, Mary Webb, and Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bronte—along with one nonliterary artist—Branwell Bronte. 

Not only do Stevenson, Webb, and the four Brontes take on fresh, unsuspected dimensions, but the concepts of analytical psychology are also broadened and deepened as Barbara Hannah indicates how contemporary people may gain insight from these examples in their own efforts to strive towards wholeness.
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Chiron Publications, PO Box 19690, 28815, Asheville, United States
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