Subject: Murray Stein ✤ As Above, So Below – How the Outside World and Inner World Commune ☯ Jungian Seminar

Outside, Inside, and All Around Us
A Two Part Seminar Series

September 28 & November 16th - Live from Zürich!!

As Above, So Below....
How the Outside World and Inner World Commune.

Dr. Murray Stein's new book, Outside Inside and All Around, is a collection of incredible pieces that delve into the very core of Jungian Psychology.  In 3 weeks, we will host the first of 2 live lectures where Dr. Stein will present pieces of this work.  The first lecture is based off chapter 1 of his book.  He explores a structural analysis of the ego, self, the outside world, the inner world (unconscious) as well as the transcendent Self.  He shows how these constructs are interrelated and communicate to us through synchronicity, reverie and dreams.  He concludes with an awareness of the Unus Mundus, that all are one...

The second seminar to be held live on November 16, will be an incredible journey into the world of Active Imagination and the great physicist Wolfgang Pauli.  It will include a piano performance of Pauli's active imagination followed by Dr. Stein exploring this realm in depth.

In preparation for these two seminars, please read the first 3 chapters of Outside Inside and All Around, as this will deeply add to your background and understanding of the complex material.

The Book can be purchased at Chiron Publications at:

Outside Inside and All Around: And Other Essays in Jungian Psychology
Remember to purchase the book prior to this months seminar.  Please read chapters 1 through 3

In these late essays, Murray Stein circles around familiar Jungian themes such as synchronicity, individuation, archetypal image and symbol with a view to bringing these ideas into today’s largely globalized cultural space. These are reflections for our time, drawing importantly on the works of C.G. Jung, Erich Neumann, Wolfgang Pauli and a wide range of contemporary Jungian psychoanalytic writers. The general thesis is that all of humanity is connected – to one another, to nature and to the cosmos – and no human being should be left out of the picture of postmodern consciousness.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Outside Inside and All Around  - Please read prior to Seminar

Chapter 2 – Synchronizing Time and Eternity: A Matter of Practice - Please read prior to Seminar

Chapter 3 – Music for a Later Age: Wolfgang Pauli’s “Piano Lesson”
- Please read prior to Seminar

Chapter 4 – A Lecture for the End of Time

Chapter 5 – “The Problem of Evil”

Chapter 6 – On Psyche’s Creativity

Chapter 7 – At the Brink of Transformation

Chapter 8 – Failure in the Crucible of Individuation

Chapter 9 – Imago Dei on the Psychological Plane

Chapter 10 – Jungian Psychology and the Spirit of Protestantism

Chapter 11 – Archetypes Across Cultural Divides

Chapter 12 – Where East Meets West:The House of Individuation

Chapter 13 – The Path from Symbol to Science

Chapter 14 – Cultural Trauma, Violence, and Treatment

Chapter 15 – Hope in a World of Terrorism – An Interview with Rob Henderson

Chapter 16 – When Symptom is Symbol

Window of the Soul: The Red Book Images of Carl Jung
The most striking feature of Carl Jung’s Red Book is the visual brilliance of the work. The meticulously crafted calligraphic entries are accompanied by miniature and full page paintings that in part illustrate the text and in part represent an independent line of development in the work. While Jung wrote extensively about symbols and symbolic process in his scientific works, in The Red Book he brings visual representation to his own inner symbolic process.

This seminar focuses on the images Jung created in The Red Book. Special consideration is given to the rise of the transcendent function in Jung’s own psychic life through the visual articulation of his active imagination experiences. Paul Brutsche, an internationally recognized authority on the Jungian method of picture interpretation, surveys the paintings in The Red Book and comments on their development. Murray Stein speaks on Jung’s map-making as represented in the great mandala known as Systema Mundi Totius.

Inspired to Greatness: A Feminine Approach to Healing the World
Inspired to Greatness explores the question of is it possible for a woman to be empowered and be happy from a research perspective, utilizing the method of narrative analysis to examine women’s one-on-one interviews. What makes this book special is the focus on the narrative voice of the women participants, which differentiates it from previous explorations and research.

Participants are among those Western women who are a part of the vanguards who infiltrated the male dominated workforce and advanced toward significant empowerment. The findings suggest that a fear-based survival mode is keeping women, who outwardly seem empowered, from an inner feeling of empowerment and thus from happiness. The participants spoke of being called to greater fulfillment in their lives and recognized that conscious active responsibility would be necessary to satisfy those needs, though in many cases it remained unclear whether they would decide to act upon the realization or not. It is of great importance that we pay attention to such women’s interpretation of their experiences.

A healthy society does rely on women rising, and destiny is inviting women at this time in history to shake off old outworn personas and beliefs and step into the Sun. Author Tracy Cooper concludes women are the solution and society has a moral obligation to support women’s growing roles as an effective strategy to benefit the collective.

Tracy Cooper is a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, specializing in integrative therapy and personal empowerment. At the University of California, Berkeley she was a psychotherapist within the Psychological Services department. Presently, she is a psychotherapist offering comprehensive care to patients with chronic medical conditions and serious mental illness.

Caring for the Soul: An Introduction to Jungian Psychotherapy
Jungian psychotherapy is a secular method of dealing with emotional and mental problems facing modern individuals, but it also includes a specifically spiritual perspective in the work and welcomes the emergence of numinous experience into the consulting room as part of the individuation process. The experience of the numinous is seen as an important feature of attending to the needs of the soul and is indeed a key instigator of healing and the generation of a meaningful sense of identity. Hence the use of the term ‘soul’ in this seminar.

In this 3 hour live seminar, Dr. Murray Stein elucidates the fundamental features of Jungian psychotherapy. He looks at the heart of Jungian psychotherapy and its basic perspectives on the needs of the soul, the question of illness and health, and the quest for meaning and identity in a rapidly changing multicultural world. He includes one of the best historical reviews of how Jungian Psychology came into being and then spread across the globe. He explores Jung’s personal life, the first generation of Jungian analysts and the subsequent training institutions that developed.

Chiron Publications, PO Box 19690, 28815, Asheville, United States
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