Subject: Live on Thursday ✥ "Jung's Red Book For Our Time" ✤ Two Day Left

The second seminar in our four part series with Murray Stein and Thomas Arzt will take place tomorrow, January 25, at 11 AM ET. This webinar will feature Nancy Swift Furlotti who will address themes in The Red Book that are relevant to our present day ecological concerns. Murray Stein and Thomas Arzt will join her in a discussion of her essay in Volume 1 of The Red Book for Our Time entitled, “Encounters with the Animal Soul: A Voice of Hope for Our Precarious World.
There are only 2 days left till the seminar, so sign up now to reserve your spot!

Dive into The Red Book with International Jungian Experts!

A 4 Part Zürich Webinar Series -
Hosted by Murray Stein

The Asheville Jung Center is very pleased to announce our Winter webinar series, Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions hosted by Murray Stein. Dr. Stein has already taken part in 6 recent webinar series including Jung and Alchemy, The Psychology of Fairy tales, World Religions, Jung and Evil, and The Life and Work of Erich Neumann. This course will consist of 4 webinars discussing the great importance of Jung’s Red Book in modern time. Participants may register for the full series of lectures for one price of $99. Participants joining anytime after the course begins can still register and catch up by watching the recorded version of prior lectures.

Since its publication in 2009, The Red Book: Liber Novus by C.G. Jung has been a huge success in commercial terms and in gaining general recognition as a significant work of artistic value and of historical interest. The Red Book has been translated into numerous languages; papers and books have been written about it; conferences and seminars have been held to focus on many aspects of its historical and psychological content. Now the time has come to look at it as a work containing immense value for guiding people forward in our time, postmodernity. To that purpose, this webinar series will feature speakers who will address this topic from several different perspectives.
Series Schedule

Session #1: 1/25/2018 11AM ET
Murray Stein will introduce the series with an overview of the project of publishing a three volume series of essays titled Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions, with contributions by some fifty Jungian analysts and scholars around the world and published by Chiron Publications. Volume 1 has appeared so far, and Volume 2 is in preparation. Thomas Arzt will summarize his essay in Volume 1, The Way of What is to Come’: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions and will expand on some of his views as expressed there.

Session #2: 2/22/2018 11AM ET
This webinar will feature Nancy Swift Furlotti who will address themes in The Red Book that are relevant to our present day ecological concerns. Murray Stein and Thomas Arzt will join her in a discussion of her essay in Volume 1 of The Red Book for Our Time entitled, “Encounters with the Animal Soul: A Voice of Hope for Our Precarious World.

Session #3: 3/15/2018 11AM ET
Lance Owens will discuss in this webinar the important issues raised in his essay, C.G. Jung and the Prophet Puzzle, looking at the teachings and the prophetic aspects embedded in Liber Novus. Was Jung a prophet/teacher for our time? If so, what is the message he wanted to convey, and can we make use of it? Murray Stein and Thomas Arzt will engage Lance Owens in conversation on this controversial topic.

Session #4: 4/19/2018 11AM ET
In his essay, In a World That Has Gone Mad, Is What We Really Need… A Red Book? Paul Bishop links the themes in Jung’s Liber Novus to important cultural predecessors: Plato, Goethe, Schelling and Nietzsche. In what sense does Jung’s message carry this tradition of thought further and make it applicable and relevant for our time? Murray Stein and Thomas Arzt will engage with Paul Bishop in conversation on the relevance of Jung’s Red Book for our time.

Murray Stein, Ph.D., studied as an undergraduate at Yale University (B.A. in English) and attended graduate student at Yale Divinity School (M.Div.) and the University of Chicago (Ph.D. in Religion and Psychological Studies). He trained as a Jungian psychoanalyst at the C. G. Jung Institute of Zurich. From 1976 to 2003 he was a training analyst at the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago, of which he was a founding member and President from 1980 to 1985. In 1989 he joined the Executive Committee of IAAP as Honorary Secretary for Dr. Thomas Kirsch as President (1989-1995) and served as President of the IAAP from 2001 to 2004. He was president of ISAP Zurich 2008-2012 and is presently a training and supervising analyst there. He resides in Goldiwil (Thun), Switzerland. His special interests are psychotherapy and spirituality, methods of Jungian psychoanalytic treatment, and the individuation process. Major publications: In Midlife, Jung’s Map of the Soul, Minding the Self, Soul: Retrieval and Treatment, Transformation: Emergence of the Self, and Outside, Inside and All Around.

Thomas Arzt, Ph.D., was educated in Physics and Mathematics at Giessen University (Ger-many). Research Assistant at Princeton University (USA) with the special focus on atomic, nuclear and plasma physics. 1988 Training and Certification in Initiatic Therapy at the “Schule für Initiatische Therapie” of Karlfried Graf Dürckheim and Maria Hippus-Gräfin Dürckheim in Todtmoos-Rütte (Black Forest, Germany). 2016 Training Program Continuing Education in Analytical Psychology at ISAP Zurich. Since 1999 President and Managing Director of Strategic Advisors for Transformation GmbH, an international consulting company for simulation technology, complexity management, and “Strategic Foresight under Deep Uncertainty” in Frei¬burg, Germany. He resides in Lenzkirch (Black Forest), Germany. Major publications: Various publications on Naturphilosophie in the context of Wolf¬gang Pauli und C. G. Jung: Unus Mundus: Kosmos und Sympathie (ed., 1992), Philosophia Naturalis (ed., 1996), Wolfgang Pauli und der Geist der Materie (ed., 2002). Editor of the German series Studienreihe zur Analytischen Psychologie.


Nancy Swift Furlotti, Ph.D. is a Jungian Analyst, co-chair of the C.G. Jung Professorial Endowment in Analytical Psychology, UCLA, and board member at Pacifica Graduate Institute. She is a past president of the Los Angeles Jung Institute, and past co-president of the Philemon Foundation. Her longstanding interests include Mesoamerican mythology, the nature of evil, dreams, and the environment. She has written numerous articles, and co-edited The Dream and its Amplification with Erel Shalit. Through her publishing imprint, Recollections, she brings into print works by first generation Jungians, such as Erich Neumann.

Paul Bishop, D.Phil., studied at Magdalen College, Oxford (1985-1989, 1990-1994), and spent a year as Lady Julia Henry Fellow at Harvard (1992-1993). He has published widely on Analytical Psychology and its relation to German culture, including On the Blissful Islands: With Nietzsche & Jung in the Shadow of the Superman (2017), Carl Jung (2014), Reading Goethe at Midlife: Ancient Wisdom, German Classicism, and Jung (2011), and Analytical Psychology and German Classical Aesthetics: Goethe, Schiller, and Jung (2 vols., 2007-2008). He holds the William Jacks Chair in Modern Languages at the University of Glasgow.

Lance S. Owens M.D., is a physician in clinical practice. Dr. Owens completed his undergraduate studies in History at Georgetown University and Utah State University. He received his doctorate from Columbia University in 1978, and then completed post-doctoral training at UCLA. For the last thirty-five years he has been in clinical practice as a specialist in Emergency and Trauma Medicine. He is an attending physician on the clinical faculty of the University of Utah. Dr. Owens began his study of C. G. Jung with Dr. Stephan A. Hoeller in the 1980’s. In 1994 he was ordained a Gnostic priest and has served as a parish priest of the Ecclesia Gnostica. In 1995 he established The Gnosis Archive, and continues as the editor of this major Internet archive of classical Gnostic writings. For several years Dr. Owens taught a semester-long course on “The Life and Work of C. G. Jung” at the University of Utah. He continues to lecture frequently on C. G. Jung, Jungian psychology, and Gnostic tradition. Since release of the Red Book in 2009, Dr. Owens has published five major historical studies focused on Jung, the Red Book, and Jung’s Gnostic vision. In 2013, he presented a course at the Jung Institute in Zurich on “Jung and Gnostic Tradition.” His article on “C.G. Jung and the Red Book” appears in the Encyclopedia of Psychology and Religion (Springer Reference, 2014). Many of his published writings and audio lectures are available online.
Book Contents and Contributors
  • Murray Stein: Introduction
  • Thomas Arzt: “The Way of What Is to Come”: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions
  • Ashok Bedi: Jung’s Red Book: A Compensatory Image for Our Contemporary Culture: A Hindu Perspective
  • Paul Bishop: In a World That Has Gone Mad, Is What We Really Need … A Red Book? Plato, Goethe, Schelling, Nietzsche and Jung
  • Ann Casement: “O tempora! O mores!”
  • Josephine Evetts-Secker: “The Incandescent Matter”: Shudder, Shimmer, Stammer, Solitude
  • Nancy Swift Furlotti: Encounters with the Animal Soul: A Voice of Hope for Our Precarious World
  • Liz Greene: “The Way of What Is to Come”: Jung’s Vision of the Aquarian Age
  • John Hill: Confronting Jung: The Red Book Speaks to Our Time
  • Stephan A. Hoeller: Abraxas: Jung’s Gnostic Demiurge in Liber Novus
  • Russell A. Lockhart: Appassionato for the Imagination
  • Lance S. Owens: C.G. Jung and the Prophet Puzzle
  • Dariane Pictet: Movements of Soul in The Red Book
  • Susan Rowland: The Red Book for Dionysus: A Literary and Transdisciplinary Interpretation
  • Andreas Schweizer: Encountering the Spirit of the Depths and the Divine Child
  • Heyong Shen: Why Is The Red Book “Red”? – A Chinese Reader’s Reflections
  • Marvin Spiegelman: On the Impact of Jung and his Red Book: A Personal Story
  • Liliana Liviano Wahba: Imagination for Evil
  • John C. Woodcock: The Red Book and the Posthuman
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