Subject: Jungian Transcript Sale ✤ All Transcripts $5.99

We are very pleased to offer this special sale discounting our entire library of transcripts to $5.99.  These transcripts were originally $7.99 each. This sale includes all of the transcripts in the Asheville Jung Center Library which include presentations on the Red Book, spirituality, ecopsychology, individuation, and more. There are also three newly released transcripts from the Shadow series on sale.  Be sure to make your purchases by Sunday night to be eligible for the full discount.


The Asheville Jung Center

Transcript Page
Transcripts $5.99

Jung and the Shadow with Murray Stein, Sarah Stein, and Mary Tomlinson

Psychopathology and Personality Type
with Ron Johnson and Matthew Boris

The Architecture of the Soul
with Andreas Jung

The Red Book Images of Carl Jung
with Paul Brutsche

Dream Interpretation with John Hill

The Receptive and the Creative: Jung’s Red Book for our Time in Light of Daoist Alchemy

Featuring Ann Chia-Yi Li
Recorded Video Available

The Asheville Jung Center is very pleased to announce the recording is ready from our recent webinar about the new book Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions Volume 2 hosted by the co-editors Murray Stein and Thomas Arzt. In this webinar they brought in Ann Chia-Yi Li to speak about her chapter titled “The Receptive and the Creative: Jung’s Red Book for our Time in Light of Daoist Alchemy.” Don't miss out on this rich discussion on the impact of Daoist Alchemy on Jung’s Red Book.

Science has created an immense horizon and a huge extension of human life. It has developed in the way of the Yang principle of The Creative Hexagram—a strong creative action. And scientists do further research with the same perseverance, like the primal force—“strong and untiring.”
While Jung was intensively working on his Red Book, he realized that the spirit of his time was concerned mostly with “the use and value” in physical life. The power of rationalism had the upper hand:

“…our ruler is the spirit of this time, which rules and leads in us all. It is the general spirit in which we think and act today. He is of frightful power, since he has brought immeasurable good to this world and fascinated men with unbelievable pleasure. He is bejewelled with the most beautiful heroic virtue, and wants to drive men up to the brightest solar heights, in everlasting ascent.”

In our time, science and technology count more than spirituality. Their development seems to be guiding us to a new way of life in which people interact more with technology than directly with people. Life is being directed to a mode of being that is bright, clear, precise, certain, concrete, stable, and ordered. This gives an impression that in our modern time “… thunder is no longer the voice of a god, nor is lightning his avenging missile. No river contains a spirit, no tree means a man’s life, no snake is the embodiment of wisdom, and no mountain still harbours a great demon,” just as Jung anticipated.

Since its publication in 2009, The Red Book: Liber Novus by C.G. Jung has been a huge success in commercial terms and in gaining general recognition as a significant work of artistic value and of historical interest. The Red Book has been translated into numerous languages; papers and books have been written about it; conferences and seminars have been held to focus on many aspects of its historical and psychological content. Now the time has come to look at it as a work containing immense value for guiding people forward in our time, postmodernity. To that purpose, this webinar series will feature speakers who will address this topic from several different perspectives.
Ann Chia-Yi Li, M.A., is originally from Taiwan, where she studied Chinese Literature and English Literature. She is a graduate of ISAP Zurich, and maintains a private practice in Zurich. Ann has served in ISAP Program Committee since 2013, and initiated International MuShuei.Jung Conference and Retreat in Taiwan since 2015. Her latest project is to cofound a systematic Jungian study program through the establishment of Analytical Psychology School SG in Singapore in 2016. Her special interests are Daoist alchemy, The Red Book, culture and trauma, active imagination and Zen meditation.
Chiron Publications, PO Box 19690, 28815, Asheville, United States
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