Subject: 2 Days Left! ✤ Post Trump-matic Stress Disorder and Other Psychological Aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election

Post Trump-matic Stress Disorder and Other Psychological Aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election
Free 1 Hour Webinar!

Tuesday, April 18 2017

Featuring author and Editor Steve Buser

President Trump’s 2016 victory stunned the world and unleashed a new era in U.S. politics. The Trump presidency has brought profound unconscious forces to surface in the United States with intensities not seen in decades. The Psychological fallout has been extreme. Those that watch current events with solely a rational eye, unaware of the deeper psychological forces underlying the headlines, will miss the primary forces afoot and risk being tossed about a chaotic sea of half-truths and symbolic dialogue.

Join us in 2 days on April 18th, 1:30 pm Eastern U.S. Time, for a free 1 hour webinar, as we explore:
• Is he arrogant or a Narcissist?
• Is he a Confident Man or a Con Man?
• What is a Shadow Presidency?
• What is a national unconscious Trump Complex?
• What is meant by Post Trump-matic Stress Disorder?

This will be a free, interactive webinar. Participants will be invited to unmute their computer (or smartphone) microphones and join the discussion on this vital topic. A recorded version of the webinar will be available a few days after the event.

Steven Buser, M.D. trained in medicine at Duke University and served 12 years as a physician in the US Air Force. He is a graduate of a two-year Clinical Training Program at the CG Jung Institute of Chicago and is the co-founder of the Asheville Jung Center. He is co-editor of A Clear and Present Danger: Narcissism in the Era of President Trump. In addition to a busy psychiatric private practice, he serves as Publisher at Chiron Publications.

Chiron Publications, PO Box 19690, 28815, Asheville, United States
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