Subject: ✤ Murray Stein Collected Writings Volume 1 released by Chiron

Announcing Volume One of the Collected Writings of Murray Stein

Chiron Publications is honored to announce the hardcover release of the first volume in the Collected Writings of Murray Stein

Dr. Murray Stein’s prolific career has produced a substantial body of writings, lectures, and interviews. His writings, captured in these volumes, span a wide domain of topics that include writings on Christianity, Individuation, Mid-life, the practice of Analytical Psychology, and topics in contemporary society. His deep understanding of Analytical Psychology is much more than an academic discourse, but rather a deeply personal study of Jung that spans nearly half a century.

The unifying theme of the papers collected in this volume is the individuation process as outlined by C.G. Jung and adopted and extended by later generations of scholars and psychoanalysts working in the field of analytical psychology. Individuation is a major contribution to developmental psychology and encompasses the entire lifetime no matter its duration. The unique feature of this notion of human development is that it includes spiritual as well as psychosocial features. The essays in this volume explain and expand on Jung’s fundamental contributions.
Murray Stein, Ph.D., studied at Yale University (B.A. in English) and attended graduate student at Yale Divinity School (M.Div.) and the University of Chicago (Ph.D. in Religion and Psychological Studies). He trained as a Jungian psychoanalyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Zurich. From 1976 to 2003, he was a training analyst at the C.G. Jung
Institute of Chicago, of which he was a founding member and president from 1980-85. In 1989, he joined the executive committee of IAAP as honorary secretary for Dr. Thomas Kirsch (1989-1995) and served as president of the IAAP from 2001-2004. He was president of ISAP Zurich 2008-2012 and is currently a training and supervising analyst
there. He resides in Goldiwil (Thun), Switzerland. His special interests
are psychotherapy and spirituality, methods of Jungian psychoanalytic
treatment, and the individuation process. Major publications include In
, Map of the Soul - Persona, The Principle of Individuation, Outside, Inside and All Around and The Bible as Dream.

Table of Contents

Individuation 1
Introduction 1
1. The Containment/Nurturance Stage of Individuation 6
2. The Adapting/Adjusting Stage of Individuation 13
3. The Centering/Integrating Stage of Individuation 19
Conclusion 24
The TwoFold Movement of Individuation 29
1. The Analytic Movement (Separatio) 32
2. The Synthetic Movement (Coniunctio) 43
Numinous Experience in the Alchemy of Individuation 51
1. On Healing and Numinous Experience 52
2. Rudolf Otto, Creator of the Idea of the Numinous 58
3. Jung and Otto 64
4. Numinous Experiences and Individuation 68
5. Shadows of the Numen 72
6. The Individuation Hero(ine) 74
A Tale of Initiation and Full Individuation 77
1. Curiosity, Knowledge and Catastrophe 81
2. Maintaining Consciousness 83
3. Extreme Trials 87
Deconstructing Bewitchment 95
The Struggle with the Complexes, Personal and Cultural 103
1. The Story of a Wounded and Imperfect Greek God 105
2. A Theoretical Interlude 116
3. Hephaistos Within 120
4. Hephaistos Whole 125
Finding a Space for Individuation 129
1. Hermes, an Introduction 133
2. Hermetic Space 137
3. Individuation Space 139
4. Hermetic Space in Psychotherapy 143
The Ethics of Individuation: The Individuation of Ethics 149
Midway on Our Life’s Journey: Psychological
Transformation at Midlife 165
1. The Midlife Period 165
2. The Two Halves of Life – Achievement of Conventionality,
Development of Individuality 167
3. Change at Midlife – A Transformation Process in Three Phases 169
Betrayal: A Way to Wisdom? 179
1. “In God We Trust” 181
2. Jung’s Answer to Job 183
3. C.G. Jung and Fr. Victor White, O.P. 188
Moments of Meaning – Synchronicity and Individuation 183
1. Strange Happenings 193
2. Hermes, A Mythical Portrait of the Author of Synchronicity 196
3. Three Vertices in Synchronistic Events 198
4. The Dual Object as Symbol 200
5. Butterfly Tales 202
6. Synchronicity and Meaning 204
On the Role of Failure in the Individuation Process 207
1. “Crucible” 209
2. “Failure” 213
3. Transformation – Reversing the Perspective 215
4. The Collective 222
Individuation in Organizational Life 225
Helping Tradition to Individuate 247
Individuation and the Politics of Nations 265
Where East Meets West: In the House of Individuation 277
1. Psychological Differences between East and West 277
2. The Place of Meeting 288
3. The Practical Result 300
Psychological Individuation and Enlightenment 303
1. Stage One – The First Conjunction: Unio Mentalis 306
2. Stage Two – The Second Conjunction: Uniting Unio Mentalis with the Body 315
3. Stage Three – The Third Conjunction: Unus Mundus The Union of Personal with Impersonal Self 318
References 323
Index 333

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