Subject: ✤ Jung's Red Book for Our Time

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Edited by Murray Stein and Thomas Arzt, the essays in the series Jung's Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions are geared to the recognition that the posthumous publication of The Red Book: Liber Novus by C.G. Jung in 2009 was a meaningful gift to our contemporary world.  

Volumes 1, 2 and 3 are available individually or as a set.

The Red Book can be considered as a contribution to the “Golden Chain” (aurea catena) of the world’s imaginative literature reaching back to the ancient Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh

As Jung describes this tradition in a letter to Max Rychner, “Faust is the most recent pillar in that bridge of the spirit which spans the morass of world history, beginning with the Gilgamesh epic, the I Ching, the Upanishads, the Tao-te-Ching, the fragments of Heraclitus, and continuing in the Gospel of St. John, the letters of St. Paul, in Meister Eckhart and in Dante.” 

The Red Book extends the “Golden Chain” into our era. Each of the  essays in the series, Jung’s Red Book for Our Time, is unique, and all of them converge on the central theme of the relevance of The Red Book for people today in search of soul under postmodern conditions.


Murray Stein, Ph.D., studied as an undergraduate at Yale University (B.A. in English) and attended graduate school at Yale Divinity School (M.Div.) and the University of Chicago (Ph.D. in Religion and Psychological Studies). He trained as a Jungian psychoanalyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Zurich. From 1976 to 2003 he was a training analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago, of which he was a founding member and President from 1980 to 1985. In 1989, he joined the Executive Committee of IAAP as Honorary Secretary for Dr. Thomas Kirsch as President (1989-1995) and served as President of the IAAP from 2001 to 2004. He was president of ISAP Zurich 2008-2012 and is currently a training and supervising analyst there. He resides in Goldiwil (Thun), Switzerland. His special interests are psychotherapy and spirituality, methods of Jungian psychoanalytic treatment, and the individuation process. Major publications: In Midlife, Jung's Map of the Soul, Minding the Self, Soul: Retrieval and Treatment, Transformation: Emergence of the Self, and Outside, Inside and All Around. Web page:; contact email: 

Thomas Arzt, Ph.D.
, was educated in Physics and Mathematics at Giessen University (Germany). Research Assistant at Princeton University (USA) with the special focus on atomic, nuclear and plasma physics. 1988 Training and Certification in Initiatic Therapy at the “Schule für Initiatische Therapie” of Karlfried Graf Dürckheim and Maria Hippus-Gräfin Dürckheim in Todtmoos-Rütte (Black Forest, Germany). 2016 Training Program Continuing Education in Analytical Psychology at ISAP Zurich. Since 1999, President and Managing Director of Strategic Advisors for Transformation GmbH, an international consulting company for simulation technology, complexity management, and “Strategic Foresight under Deep Uncertainty” in Freiburg, Germany. He resides in Lenzkirch (Black Forest, Germany). Major publications: Various publications on Naturphilosophie in the context of Wolfgang Pauli und C.G. Jung: Unus Mundus: Kosmos und Sympathie (ed., 1992), Philosophia Naturalis (ed., 1996), Wolfgang Pauli und der Geist der Materie (ed., 2002). Editor of the German series Studienreihe zur Analytischen Psychologie. Web page:; contact email:


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