Subject: Friend, Education and Resources

I do not say lightly that this is the most complete opportunity I have ever seen. Even people who had no intention of ever sharing anything they do with others have soon realised with this that it is a simple matter of showing someone their device on their wrist and explaining that it pays them.

Good health is something that everyone wants. I have never met anyone yet in my life that desired poor health. Hold that thought firmly in mind and start to feel good about the core product here. Anything you can personally do to help others achieve good health or improve their health should make you feel proud.

And it isn't just wrist devices. There are Helo Strips (check resource links below to the Helo site) and very soon the NutraMatic device which (although I know little about it yet) could be revolutionary. As long as the people that you have introduced to the business go through their Inpersona App to the HELO STORE and then buy, you will get credit for that.

Added to that, we are seeing, on a daily basis, unbelievable reports and incidences' of real poverty in this country. Imagine how good you'd feel if you could help just one or two other people realise that they could build a second income from promoting this themselves.

So talking about what you are doing and why is not such a big step forward is it? You can genuinely build something here on a very part time and occasional basis. You add one new person into the business and you earn 25% VSC rewards on the VSC rewards they get. So even over time with just a few introductions you could build future income on those extra VSC rewards alone. 

I know that's hard to imagine with a VSC price of $0.05 or $0.06 but what about if the price were $0.50 or $0.60 or what if the VSC's you were collecting from the rewards of others amounted to 500 or 600 VSC coins a day?

The perfect "in" is that someone else has an apple device on their wrist anyway. You simply ask them if they use it and like it; then show them yours whilst saying, do you get paid for wearing yours YET? Or generally responding to someone who notices the device on your wrist and asks you about it. 

So you don't even have to be "proactive" you'll still find interested parties through being no more than "reactive". That said, if you could see into the future and see yourself as an active business builder you would want to go that way.

Having questions about what you have is healthy and natural and you should know you can easily get those questions answered. One of the best ways to get the questions you have answered is to attend one of the twice weekly Zooms Peter Webb and Grahame Brown run.

I have watched these several times and I pick up new things that I didn't know every time I do attend.

There is such a presentation this evening at 8pm UK time (3rd January 2024) these two guys got into this before they even had something real to promote. 

Their overview on this is very professional and comprehensive but also still personal and ready for questions from attendees and it is worth making people you are going to approach aware of these regular presentations also.

This is going to be the biggest business in the world, unstoppable and full of opportunity for anyone who wants to grasp the nettle.

Please take a look if you can, what progress can we ever make in life if we are not prepared to educate ourselves:

The meeting kicks off at 8pm UK time, 21:00 CET, 15:00 USA 
Meeting ID 378 8418083
Password 7nVncQ

Link not working? Then copy/paste this into your browser near the start time).

There are also a ton of resources available to you. For example: 

This has links to most of the resources you would find useful.  Such as the Helo site where you can find out all about the devices, what they do and all the additional resources you can get hold of. There's also the Inpersona site packed full of additional information. 

There's also this site that has a really useful help section:

And another useful connection if you want to see the VSC blockchain activity is this:

And finally, there are WhatsApp, Facebook and Telegram groups. The Telegram  and Facebook groups can be accessed from the E3 Global community link further back up the message here. If you want to be joined to a WhatsApp group send me your Smartphone number (including your country code) and I will invite you in.

Much of this is all about taking a good look around and educating yourself about what you have here but none of it means a thing unless you take the next step !!

If you believe you should not be getting emails from me or you simply want them to stop please just use this unsubscribe link I must also declare that I am not a financial advisor and nothing I say herein should be construed as financial advice. Always do your own due diligence and remember that I am in the "marketing" business. I never send unsolicited emails so you must have joined one of my lists to get this however, I understand if our relationship must come to an end. I'll be sad, but I will get over it...(eventually).
John Duncan, 1st Floor, Barclays House, Gatehouse Way, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP19 8DB, United Kingdom
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