Subject: Friend, Can You Feel a Pulse?

Then you could have a very happy new year indeed with this! 

But first, about the picture...

Well, I thought I'd invite my girlfriends around for a bit of a knees up and a work out to get my heart pumping - I took this picture as I was curious to see how they were getting on together (hehe). I have a vested interest in making my heart beat faster these days because it earns me more money.

OK, I'm back from fantasyland now.

Whilst the ladies in the photo appear to be getting on just fine; that is more than I can say about some of the businesses I got involved with or continued with over the course of this past year.

I thought 2022 was bad for disappointing outcomes but, for me, 2023 has been worse. Largely because of one business that I invested very heavily in but also because, even with all of my experience in the field of cryptocurrency, I still made some very poor decisions. 

My decision to join Vyvo though, is definitely not one of those bad decisions.

I have bulldog determination and as soon as I realised that my best business wasn't my best business at all, I began the search for something that would be standing the test of time, offering substantial income and was in such a strong and growing market that it couldn't get bogged down into mediocrity.

After searching through much, I found the Vyvo project and the more I studied it and the more I spoke to people who were singing its praises, the more I realised that this was something very special indeed.

And here's why...

It has a physical product that is very much in demand. It has driven and determined (and creative) people at the helm. It has created a money project that runs at the core of the business that has real world utility and purpose. It is has designed the core to enable other big businesses to attach their own products to it. And it is expanding its' products and services constantly.

This isn't a business that centres simply around money and is trying to create an asset with no value and no utility. This business, the Vyvo business, sits at the very centre of the two things we all cherish and need more than any others. Good health and the prospect of growing our wealth through a stable source. 

What you can get here is unique in every sense but it also addresses the need for another passive income stream or active income stream or both with real potential to build wealth along the way.

If you are up to watching a video or two. You can click the link below, this business is mind blowing:

The videos are designed to help you decide now, to get into something really exciting in 2024.Something that the word "potential" doesn't even come close to describing. Something that, with or without our involvement, is going to become massively lucrative for those that do get involved. 

There's a buzz about the Vyvo business I've never experienced before and I am beginning to understand why. 

The scale of this thing really is massive. Just one aspect of this business (very recently announced) is that 110 million Apple Watch users are going to find out that they can start getting paid for the data that their wrist devices are already producing, courtesy of this business. 

Just consider that for a moment, Apple do not pay people for the data collected from their Smart Watches but now, thanks to Vyvo, an Apple Watch user can get paid for doing what they are already doing, simply continuing to wear their Apple device.  

And you could be one of the people spreading that message and telling them! 

The growth in the purchase of wrist devices that measure and monitor your physical activity and health and wellness vitals is huge and it is showing no signs of slowing. There are currently thought to be 219 million smartwatches out there with a prediction that 180 million will be shipped in 2024 alone. 

Revenue from smartwatch sales is predicted to hit $48 Billion in 2024.

But up until now all the data those devices produce has benefited only the organisations that gather that data. Up until now, no process existed to allow us, the device wearers and data owners, to benefit financially for providing the data. Key words there "up until now". Vyvo will, moving forward, be a binding option for many different devices.

Think on this as a product or service. Take something that is massively growing in demand and produce a system to enable all of those devices to start mining money daily for the owners. And, as if that wasn't enough, the Helo wrist device (our in-house device) is the most advanced health data collection device out there.

I'm too old and weary for "in the end" scenarios. I don't have time to wait for these things to become something "in the end". I need them to be something now. From a financial perspective, what should have been my best business of 2023 blew it at an all too critical stage back in the summer because it has become an "in the end" scenario.

But I always move on and keep looking forward, looking for the last business I want to be a part of. And I'm certain I've found it in the Vyvo business. Everything about it adds up, make sense and screams SUCCESS at me.

I've come to realise more than ever that it takes something special, really special, to make a business a world class business that can create real wealth and  positive change in your life. It takes something unique, ahead of the market, to put you in financial clover. 

Sometimes it comes from launching your own unique business. But, most people either can't or do not want to set up and run their own business from scratch and of those that do, sadly, 90% of them fail. Well how about a done for you business where all you need do is wear it, share it and earn from it.

Is your heart beating? YES? Then you can make money from this. It's that simple. I don't want to run my own business when I can just hold on to the reins of a new and exciting, ready made, business as it blasts off into long term success.

And now, still only 3 months after it publicly launched in the markets, the payment token for the Vyvo business, the Vyvo Smart Coin (VSC) is starting it's ascent for real!

It's up 209% over the last 30-days! Where might it be a year from now?

There is already a huge interest in staking VSC coins to earn more VSC coins whilst they are being staked. The first staking opportunity opened up for 800 million coins in 2023. That was fully subscribed in days and you can only get into that staking plan now as and when/if someone unstakes it.

And a few days ago a second and much larger staking plan was launched and a new way of getting into this staking has been developed. This is taking the business up a league again.

Everything is geared to one end. And that is to make the VSC coin grow in value. Since launching on its' first public exchange in very late September it has grown from $0.01 to $0.03 plus. It only needs to maintain that modest level of growth to start creating real wealth.

Price right now $0.0375

You can now stake the VSC coin in return for more coins or mine the coin through a wrist device or both.

You can look at the project here >> VYVO INFO

The Vyvo business will be my number 1 focus in 2024. Why? Because it has everything and it will make people a lot of money actively or passively, I am pretty sure of that. 

Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. Thank you for your support this year. You can make money from this. You just need to believe in the power of this massively growing market for health data. 



NB: You can still get extra FREE shares in Ios Bio when you join VC CROWD. The FREE share giveaway has been extended until 14th January 2024 or until the shares run out. 

If the more speculative, high risk, high reward businesses appeal to you, join my "Grow You Wealth And Income" list by clicking here: HIGH RISK 

Happy New Year
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John Duncan, 1st Floor, Barclays House, Gatehouse Way, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP19 8DB, United Kingdom
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