Subject: I'm Just...

... I am waiting until I can (fill in the blanks) or until I have (fill in the blanks)...

It doesn't matter what the reason for not moving ahead is because, with the exception of a totally empty wallet, the reason is fear. To pin that down precisely it is FUD (and I know you've heard that expression before). 

Fear, uncertainty or doubt is as natural as the need to eat and drink. I've seen so many people historically miss out on something that they later regret missing out on for no other reason than FUD turning to lethargy. Once the lethargy has set in then it's hard to remember why you started the process in the first place. 

If that's you, please, go back and take another look at the resources here:

The time to act on anything good is right away. I, as an individual, am very much in the "act now, learn later" camp. You don't need to know exactly how a motor car works to be able to drive one. And you'll never really know if you like the motor car you are thinking of buying until you get in and drive it.

You know instinctively when something could be good for you. What you do not know (and this will never change) is if it is as good as you thought it was when you pulled the trigger to get involved. And in the harsh world of online scams, failed projects and underperformance, you will never truly eradicate all of your doubts.

Now with something like the Vyvo (connect wrist device, get paid) opportunity there can be many questions that fill your mind immediately after you pulled that trigger, got yourself a code and then did...

Well, nothing.

Or maybe you did take a step or two. Well, if you did, what did you do? If you went on to invest in the opportunity, you wouldn't be getting this email unless I have made an error with my records (and if that is the case, please tell me so that I can immediately put that right).

So, here's what generally happens in Vyvo specific terms when someone gets a code and then does nothing:

1) They encounter an issue with actually downloading the Inspersona (Android version) or Inspersona Pro (that's the iPhone version) App. 

SOLUTION - send me an email, I will set up a meeting in my zoom room and take you through it.

2) They download the App but then get confused about the next step. 

SOLUTION - send me an email, I will set up a meeting in my zoom room and take you through it.

3) They can't decide on the level of involvement they want. 

SOLUTION - send me an email, I will set up a meeting in my zoom room and take you through it.

4) Any other reason. 

SOLUTION - send me an email, I will set up a meeting in my zoom room and take you through it.

Now it might be that you genuinely cannot afford to even get involved at the minimum level. And if that is the case, I have no solution. But I do know how horrible having no money can be and I can tell you that not having enough is just as hard. 

In the "no money" situation, you are constantly being torn between two powerful forces - namely the need to acquire/earn more money and the lack of money to take that all important plunge into the opportunity to earn more money.

You can use a debit or credit card to purchase your package inside the Inpersona app. I say this in case you were not aware. 

Maybe you did try to purchase and the card you used was declined. Odds are a call to your bank or card operator will solve that problem. Maybe the transaction you tried to make was bigger than your normal transaction. Maybe something else about the transaction just fired off some internal checking process that stopped the transaction. 

The reason for the decline is irrelevant what is relevant though is that you are buying a good package here. You need to tell the people controlling your money that it is something you want perhaps need because you want to do more to improve or monitor you health and well-being. 

And, without exception, whenever someone has taken the card company/bank to task over this, they have been able to go back and put the next attempt through successfully. Sometimes just using a different card does the trick.

The bottom line here is this:

I am here to help if you have encountered an issue in set up. All you need do is let me know.

Now if you have genuinely given up on this, then please also let me know and then I will know and you will stop getting these "why" style emails.

All the very best


NB: Remember if you have an Apple Device on your wrist already, you can bind that too.
If you believe you should not be getting emails from me or you simply want them to stop please just use this unsubscribe link I must also declare that I am not a financial advisor and nothing I say herein should be construed as financial advice. Always do your own due diligence and remember that I am in the "marketing" business. I never send unsolicited emails so you must have joined one of my lists to get this however, I understand if our relationship must come to an end. I'll be sad, but I will get over it...(eventually).
John Duncan, 1st Floor, Barclays House, Gatehouse Way, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP19 8DB, United Kingdom
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