Subject: I'll Definitely Settle For 1.2% A Week!

If you have a Yield Nodes (YN) account and you've logged in over the last couple of days you will see that YN made 1.3% in the first week of May and 1.2% in the second.

Now, you might be thinking, well, given that they have returned as much as 19% in one month (February 2021) that a paltry sum of just 2.5% in half a month is nothing to write home to mum about and, who knows, maybe you're right.

But, so far, 2022 has been a diabolical year for Crypto. In May alone Bitcoin is down £6,000 (20%), Ethereum is down £564 (25%) and Binance Coin is down £67 (22%) and that's just a snap shot of the biggest 3 cryptocurrencies outside of stable coins in market capitalisation terms.

Now whilst I am convinced that the crypto markets will overcome this current malaise given time, against the back drop of what can only be classified as a colossal market collapse, YN are at 2.5% up are producing marvels. 

Just to give it more perspective, in a year that has seen Bitcoin and most crypto's lose between 50% and 95% of their values, YN have produced around 7% per month, month on month.

So if you already have a YN account you should be feeling pretty good about it and you don't really need me to tell you how well they are doing. If you don't have a YN account, well, maybe you should be asking me about how to get one? everybody who is in already is currently raving about them because they understand how well they are doing.

Oh, and, as you may be wondering...

You don't need to already own a fortune to grab a slice of the YN action. You can make an initial deposit of €500, (around $530 or £423 approx.) to get started and then top up by as little as €10 euros thereafter. This deposit is in Bitcoin or USDT. I can help you if you don't know how to exchange £, $ or € for crypto. 

This is not an MLM program or any form of network marketing. There are no preferential terms for big introducers of other people and everybody gets the same benefit. If I introduce a new customer to YN and they put money into an account, I will receive remuneration equivalent to 5% of the amount put in. 

If you introduce a new customer to YN and they put money into an account, you will receive remuneration equivalent to 5% of the amount put in. It is EXACTLY the same for everyone. 

Right now, with the cost of living sky-rocketing, don't you think that there are some people out there that might thank you for introducing something really good to them?

Food for thought...

Here's a link to join YN (no financial commitment required to simply join) and then you can take your time to look around inside. This is by far the best (most consistent) of all the programs I have looked at in 3 years,

All the best.


I am not a financial advisor and you must make your own decisions based on your own due diligence. Cryptocurrency Programs in any form are risky. Never commit money to anything unless you can afford to lose it
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John Duncan, 1st Floor, Barclays House, Gatehouse Way, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP19 8DB, United Kingdom
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