Subject: Bit Talk Edition 102

Bit-Talk Newsletter Edition 102
We're All About Bitcoin

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If You Knew...

If you knew, beyond a doubt and with absolute belief that Bitcoin would be worth $600,000 at some point in the future would you be excited? - I will get back to that in due course.

Would you talk about that belief? Would you want people you know and that you love to gain some benefit from that belief? Would you do everything you could to encourage them to somehow get a slice of that impending good fortune in some way?

Or would you sit quietly in a corner and do your best to persuade yourself that you should ignore what your mind was telling you and even ignore the mere possibility of that knowledge being in any way accurate? Would you stamp out that belief as quickly as you could?

Would you beat yourself into submission until your mind accepted that this crazy feeling of absolute conviction you had was just nonsense and simply could not happen and you should not have succumbed to such crazy ideas to begin with?

Been there, done that, bought the tea shirt, yada yada...

Just under 3 years ago I joined Bitclub Network a Network Marketing business of course. This is significant because I had spent years until around 6 to 8 months prior to that avoiding Network Marketing businesses like they were the plague and I almost threw this opportunity out of the window. Why? 

Because I had a bad experience one too many times before and, whilst I didn't know it at the time, shortly after enjoying the sun in Lisbon on a fateful trip in early summer 2015, I was about to have another bad experience with a Network Marketing company. It was enough after that final straw to put me off of so-called "business opportunities" for life. 

But now I know, with absolute certainty, that to think in that way is totally stupid. Network Marketing is simply a process. Such as retail is a process or affiliate marketing is a process or online sales is a process. A process is never a bad thing. It is the people that operate a process that can float or sink it. Make it succeed or make it fail. Run it honestly or run it dishonestly.

Thank heavens for my oldest now, sadly, departed best friend and a conversation I had with him one Christmas a few years before that trip to Lisbon. Without that conversation I would, without a doubt, have thrown away the best opportunity I have ever had in my life when I suddenly had a very similar conversation (unexpectedly) again.

Forgive me if you've heard the story before but I met a man in a restaurant during that trip to Lisbon, who told me about a future he believed in and believed in with a passion that, eventually, also took hold in me. And one of the things he told me was almost the exact same thing that my best friend had told me three years of more before that. 

The man in the restaurant told me that Bitcoin, which I knew about and had discarded from my mind up until that point, would be worth $10,000 in a few years time. I laughed, a few of the people with me laughed, but when we grasped the utter belief in this guys mind (and you could see that belief in his eyes - and feel it in the way he spoke) we absolutely could not deny that he, definitely, believed in what he was saying. 

He told me that if I joined him on his Bitcoin business journey, I would never look back with regret and he was absolutely correct.

Just as I reacted back when my friend had told me years before I simply, initially, would not allow my mind to believe that Bitcoin could ever be worth so much until a while later. Even, in truth, when I started to tell people myself that Bitcoin would be worth $10,000 in time, I didn't fundamentally believe it at my core at first.

And yet now, it seems so natural that the growth in value would have happened that I cannot imagine how I ever doubted it. Of course, right now, Bitcoin is worth over $11,000 and has been as high as almost $20,000; so believing is a little easier when the belief has turned to fact and the fact is staring you in the face daily.

So, let's get back to this:

If you knew, beyond a doubt and with absolute belief that Bitcoin would be worth $600,000 at some point in the future would you be excited?

Could you believe? Do you believe?

You see, for Bitcoin to have arrived at a worth of $10,000 when that prediction was made back in the early summer of 2015 when I was in Lisbon, it needed to increase its value from the then $200 it was worth by 5,000% to get there.

For Bitcoin now to get to $600,000 it needs to only move forward and increase its value by less than a mere 500%.

Can it happen? Of course it can bloody well happen! If it already happened, but in a bigger way, then why not in a smaller way.

If it can grow by 5,000% why on earth can it not grow by 500%!!!

Of course, I can hear your thoughts right now. All those thoughts about, well now its different because this is going to happen to stop it and that is going to happen to stop it. Or I am simply not that lucky or something else will come along to ruin it. You will have those thoughts rattling around and sharing space with it is too late for me, I have missed the boat already. Pah! Utter nonsense!

Guess what - I had all those thoughts back in 2015 and that is why I know what is going on in your head. It's always those other people who get lucky right? That was me by the way some 6 to 8 months before that meeting in Lisbon (a meeting presented to me by pure chance).

So now I have changed big time. Did I eat something in Lisbon that made me change so much? No, of course not. I might have drunk something I shouldn't - well it's possible I suppose. No, this is what actually happened to me and changed me. I will explain it blow by blow.

I did something I had gotten out of the habit of doing after that chance meeting. I actually sat down quietly for a few hours and I started to think. And do you know what, it worked wonders on me. 

You see, few of us are brave enough to admit this - but hell, I'm going to admit it right now - we don't generally think at all. What we do is we react. We instinctively respond based upon the condition of our mind at that exact point. 

And if we haven't been conditioned yet with what we perceive to be the right response, we will use the response we learned from someone else, our father, brother, best friend, respected colleague, guy at the pub or whatever we can easily latch on to without having to think.

Pretty much everything we do in life is driven by that instinctive reactive response that we foolishly believe is thinking but, in fact, is nothing more than an automated mind muscle movement triggered by our sub-conscious mind.

And this is what came into my head when I actually started to think. And by the way, YES I WAS LUCKY! And the reason I was lucky is that I had taken myself out of my normal environment and away from the people that I normally spent my time with and I accidentally allowed myself the freedom to actually think for myself, calmly, with clarity and in an unhurried way. So that is why I was lucky.

And I thought about my life up to that point. What was good, what was bad, what had worked, what had failed and I realised the horrifying but unavoidable truth of the matter. And that realisation was that I did it all to myself. When it went wrong, it was because I made it go wrong or I made the wrong decisions or WORST OF ALL, I would not do something, anything IN CASE it was the wrong decision.

When I have heard people say that we are our own worst enemy I have almost chuckled to myself at the jibe but it is the absolute and horrific truth. We are the reason and source of our own failure.

 Nothing gets in your way like you do!

And when you allow yourself to become entirely reactive and you are driven by the same mental process that you have always been driven by, yes; people and things have a habit of jumping in at those precise moments to generally make matters worse. And so you start to imagine that it is always because of those other people and those other things and that, in reality, is the root cause of all your misfortune.

Absolute crap of course. Total nonsense and pathetic excuses that we make for ourselves so that we can feel a little better.

I just heard a wonderful statement from the same guy who set me straight in Lisbon. He said (and I am para-phrasing) "people keep telling me that they can't make this to work and they can't get their teams to grow or their income to increase and so on and I say to them -  you can, you absolutely can what you can't do is turn the TV off, or do without this pointless thing or do without that pointless thing."  

In other words, is it really the World getting at you? Is it that life is being done to you and you aren't in charge? Or is it simply your inability to change what you do and how you think? We all do it. We worry about or pay attention to the things that do not move us forward to where we want to be and we ignore the things that will help us to achieve everything we need.

The other thought that hit me like a sledge hammer just before sitting down and writing this was that I am (or was anyway) always passing on these immortal words of wisdom to people, namely: 

"Where did you think you would be today when you thought about it 5 years ago? Are you there now?" (I stole that from Brian Tracy). And the fact is that I realised I was actually talking about myself. I wasn't, once again, where I thought I would be after yet another 5 years of my life had passed me by most every time until very recently, that I had that thought.

Am I saying all this to simply show you how clever I am?

Not even close.

I am SHARING this with you. Opening my soul to you to simply explain this one small thing:

Nothing positive is going to happen to you until you stop to think about it and you start to allow yourself to believe. When you start to believe that you can do this thing and this thing can happen to you, then your fortunes will change. 

Then you must immediately go on to feed that belief daily with some clearly defined purpose, action and, ultimately, clearly defined goals.

With Bitclub Network, if I focus on the negatives all of the time, the things that aren't working, the lack of communication, the lack of support and any number of things that mess up my mind and plant obstacles in my way, I cannot focus on the only thing that matters. Sharing the opportunity with others is a process which comes back and rewards me time and time again.

You can tell someone what you are going to do forever but nothing will happen until you start doing it.

Bitcoin WILL get to a value o $600,000 one day. I believe it now because, having sat down and allowed myself to think once more, there is no logical reason to imagine that something that grew by 5,000% in value could not go on to grow a mere 500% more. 

Bitclub Network will get to all the things they plan to do and they will all improve our prospects. I know this beyond a doubt because I believe in it. Because they have not, thus far, led me astray and so why would they in the future and, most important of all, if I believe in myself I can make what needs to happen, happen.

And, guess what, I don't care what the experts say and the Harvard professors, politicians and bankers might believe about Bitcoin -

If you have been blessed enough to be involved in the Bitclub Network business opportunity you have much to look forward to. These things that they promise us, if we keep the faith, if we believe, they will come.

And do you know what, even if they did not all come. You have made a turn in your life that has already changed (even if only slightly) the way you now think. Every experience that does not harm us moves us forward in some way. And the really successful among us know that even the bad experiences are essential to our growth. Who was it that said "how do we recognise success if we haven't felt the pain of failure".

 Come to that, if you have been blessed by being in some other business opportunity that isn't hurting you then also start to believe - not in the business itself necessarily, that is merely a vehicle for your achievement - BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and believe that what needs to happen to make you succeed WILL HAPPEN!

That's a pretty good place to begin don't you think?

It isn't just Bitclub Network and Bitcoin that have moved me to where I am today. Taking that opportunity by the horns and making it work for me though has, definitely, opened doors that I couldn't even see three years ago. And whatever happens now, those doors can't close again and I have grown (literally as well as figuratively I hasten to add).

Why don't you make a deal with yourself right now to allow some new doors to reveal themselves to you by accepting that you can do anything you start to believe in and stop thinking that IT is being done to you. You are, for sure, doing IT to yourself.

This Might Be The End
I am thinking that I need to make some changes now. I have had to do some real and serious thinking about where I need to go now and what I need to do. I have a dream to bring as many people as I can into what I affectionately call "Crypto World" and I have been mulling over and pondering a new project for some time. 

Another project for me has just about come to an end and this enables me to move on to other things.

The new project I want to now push forward has even had a name for some time and I have been putting material together for it.

I am going to build, with a good friend of mine, a "club" a"group" or an adventure if you like called CRYPTOMANIACS. 

The idea is to share everything I know about Cryptocurrency and the ever developing Blockchain industry. Some of you know this but many do not. I have actually been studying and absorbing everything I can about the entire Crypto space since even before I joined Bitclub Network. And not a day passes without me pushing myself to learn more.

And whilst I can never ever be more grateful than I am to have been given the Bitclub opportunity, I have also managed, in addition, to open a "nice" Pandora's box for myself. Inside, I just keep on discovering more and more that convinces me that if people do not start to get to grips with this wonderful new world they are going to be sorely missing out on so much.

Yes it has its challenges and yes it has Governments and Banks bristling for a fight and throwing up every obstacle they can think of but it also has everything it needs to fight through all of that crap and really change the World. It is already changing the World in big ways every day but it hasn't even really got started yet.

So, whilst I have not yet made my final decision about this, please forgive me if I decide that Bit-Talk has run its course and needs to be put away, at least, for a while. But watch this space as I move on to other (hopefully better) things.

It is my hope that you have enjoyed my journey with Bit-Talk and it is also my hope that we get to share some excellent times in Crypto World together in the future.


You can join Bitclub for free. Clicking the link below will take you to the sign up page for that but you might want to join as a full member. This costs $99 and that is a once and only lifetime cost. Then you will be well placed to jump on any opportunity coming along from Bitclub and they are going to be coming thick and fast as Bitclub grows.

Please make certain that if someone else introduced you to the Bitclub opportunity, that you use their sign up page and not mine.

                                                                 Bitclub Network Is Changing Lives For The Better.

John Duncan, 1st Floor, Barclays House, Gatehouse Way, HP19 8DB, Aylesbury, United Kingdom
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