Subject: NEW C100 Strategy (Thursday August 22)


Removing the last 20 numbers that hit from the list of 100 numbers
is a good idea. It increases your profit margin.

And I was thinking that assuming you are playing a state that recently
had say 5 or 6 doubles, you can set up a type of progressive betting
starting on the 7th play (assuming 6 doubles just hit).

The plays would bet 0.25 cents, 0.50 cents and 0.75 cents ($25, $50,
$75). The reason for this is that after 6 doubles have hit (6D), you just
know that a single will hit on the 7th, 8th, or 9th draw.

This is a bit risky and requires that you have the money in your
account of course, but its one of the strategies I am looking into.

And if you remove the last 20 drawings, you will make more money
of course.

One last strategy; assume that the winning streak you are playing
will only go 4 drawings. That is being conservative because usually
they go up 6 drawings - but being conservative will many times save
your ass!