Subject: Introduction--10 Straight Numbers

See attachment.

I sent out an earlier version of this report before.

This updated edition has more details.

This report introduces the 10 Straight Number System
and tells you how to get several FREE Reports.

Just email me with the right line on the subject line
of your email and I will email you corresponding
FREE Reports what I explain here.

Email me with EXPRESS on the subject line
of your email to be added to my EXPRESS
email list.

Express members get my emails first.

A brand new Kindle with 10 straight numbers
will be going up on Amazon soon!

See my last post for details:

This Kindle will have 10 hot straight numbers to play in California,
Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, New Jersey,
Ohio, South Carolina, and Texas!

One of these numbers should hit in 1 to 8 weeks.

If your state is not on this list, email me with the name of your state
on the subject line of your email and I will include your state in the
next edition of this Kindle. Email me at