Subject: FREE Reports and Access. Gold Membership for 3 Months

Just a quick reminder....

I can send you my top Pick 3 Reports for FREE.

Just email me back with SEND FREE REPORTS
on the subject line of your email.

You can also use my programs for FREE for 10 days:

Also, I send out the Leader Report for the coming week to Gold members
on Sunday morning - but the Hit Report (which shows all the hits from the
previous week) is FREE if you are on my EXPRESS list.

To be added to this special list, email me back with "Add to EXPRESS list"
on the subject line of your email and I will add your email to this list.

Attached you will see the Leader Report I sent out to Gold members last
Sunday morning (AUG 27). As you can see, there are MANY HITS this
week (Sun Aug 27 to Sat Sept 2). I will show (highlight) all the hits in this
report this coming Sunday, Sept 3 (this is what I call the "Hit Report").

I will be sending out this Hit Report to EXPRESS and Gold members
this coming Sunday morning.

Email me with "SEND HIT REPORTS' on the subject line of your email
if you want to see previous hits reports.

NOTE: If your state is not listed on the Leader Report, no problem. What
you do is read my two reports explaining how I come up with the numbers;
follow the same steps to come up with the same list for your state. To
learn the system I am using, read pages 32 to 50 in BOOK-80. Then read
"The Leader Masterlist" report. This report explains an improvement I made
to the system. Email me back with "SEND LEADER INSTRUCTIONS" on the
subject line of your email and I will email you these two reports for FREE.

After the 10 days of free access, its $20 per month for
Basic membership.

I explain my membership levels here:

However, I sent out a report recently where I explain that for the time
being, Gold membership is now REDUCED.

You can now be a Gold member at a lower price:
Now you can get 3 months of Gold membership for $60.

This means that if you join today, you will have access to my Gold programs
(and get the Leader Report emailed to you every Sunday morning) until
about DECEMBER 1....and you will only be paying $60.

If interested, email me back with "GOLD-3 MONTHS" on the subject line
of your email and I will send you a Paypal invoice for $60. I will add 90 days
to your account right after I get payment.

My email is

If you are currently a Basic or VIP member, you can upgrade
your membership to Gold for $60. Whatever time you have in
your account will be changed to Gold...PLUS I will add 3 months
on top of that. You will also start receiving the Leader Report
on Sunday mornings. Just email me back with "GOLD-3 MONTHS"
on the subject line of your email if you want to upgrade.

The Pick 3 Coach
August 31, 2017