Subject: FREE Book + 30 Day Access + Benefits

Today is Monday November 30.

I just want to remind everybody about the benefits
of jointing the 7 Day Club.

Its $12 for 30 days.

That comes with 30 day access to

During the 30 days I will email you the PDF version of the
latest edition of the 7 Day Numbers on Sunday morning.

I am up to Book-11, which should be up on Amazon
later today.

However, the members of the 7 Day Club got the
book yesterday morning.

You can see the previous books in the series here:

One of the great things about these Kindle books is that
I always have some NEW material at the end of the book…
so you will always learn something different from every book.

If you would like to join the 7 Day Club for 30 days,
email me with “$12 - 7 Day Club” on the subject line
and I will send you a Paypal invoice for $12. You will
be a member right after I get payment.

I will email you the PDF version of Book-12
this coming Sunday morning, December 6.

FREE: Book-10 is attached.


SECRETS-2 should be up on Amazon before December 10.
This book will have the most advanced material I have
come up with in my 20+ years of studying the Pick 3 game.
The information in this book will blow your mind!

The Pick 3 Coach