Subject: 918 and 524 hit in DC: Both were on my list!

Today is Friday April 25, 2014.

I sent a list late on Wednesday night (April 23)
good for the District of Columbia.

The email should be on your inbox but I copied it
below as well.

I bring this up because BOTH numbers that hit
DC yesterday (April 24) were on the list.

Both 918 (189) and 524 (245) were on the list I sent out.

By the way, I got these numbers from the *NEW*
Positional Tracking System program which I describe here:

***These numbers work best after 2 or more doubles hit***

Below is the email I sent out:


The District of Columbia just had 5 back to back doubles:
191, 889, 445, 696, 277.

This is the perfect time to play the Positional Tracking
System numbers.

These 30 numbers are good for DC for the next 7 days:

013 014 019 025 034 035 037 045 124 126
128 129 136 149 167 178 189 234 245 247
256 259 345 347 378 459 478 568 569 578

NOTE: I am having problems with my email settings.
Still reply to my regular email if you want to email me:

The Pick 3 Coach