Subject: 7 Day Club and VIP Membership

Below is the updated standard text I will be using from
now on to describe my two membership programs.

Notice the VIP members now includes 4 books:
Secrets-2, Advanced Tracking Systems,
Secrets-3, and Secrets-4 (when its completed!).

To join the 7 Day Club, email me with “$12 – 7 Day Club” on the
subject line of your email and I will send you a Paypal invoice for $12.
After I get payment, I will give you 30 day access to my programs (I will
email a username and password so you can log into my site). NEW!! I will
also email you the previous 4 Books in the series and the previous 4 Blue
Reports at no additional cost. This means that I will email you 8 books
when you join. You will also be getting the next FIVE Books in the series.
This means that you will get a total of 13 books PLUS 30 day access to my
programs for just $12!! You will get the next book in the series (in PDF
format, which is much easer to read and navigate than the Kindle edition)
emailed to you the following SUNDAY MORNING after you join. So you will get
it BEFORE the Kindle edition goes up on Amazon on Monday or Tuesday. I will
also email you the last Blue Report, which contains the very important
CODES and HITS from the previous book. All the hits from the last book are
listed and highlighted in the Blue Report so you can clearly SEE where the
hits came from. (So basically I will be emailing you TWO books on Sunday
morning while you are a 7 Day Club member. You will get these two books for
5 consecutive weeks.) To get started, email me at OR at For faster service, you can send me $12 via Paypal
using this email: Write “$12 – 7 Day Club” on the
Notes section so I know what it is regarding.


The Monthly VIP Program: For those of you who can afford it, I also have a
VIP program which gives you access to both my regular programs, my VIP
programs, and the Pick 4 programs (only VIP members can access my Pick 4
programs). As a VIP Member, you are automatically enrolled in the 7 Day
Club, so you will NOT have to pay the $12 for 7 Day Club Membership. You
will also get Secrets-2, Advanced Tracking Systems, Secrets-3 (and
Secrets-4 when it’s completed!!) emailed to you when you join. And here
is another great benefit of VIP Membership: you will get any NEW book I put
up on Amazon while you are a member. Another Benefit: I will email you the
PDF edition of any book you want on this page:

Another Benefit: I will email you any report I write with the Updated Codes
for any state. For example, I recently emailed VIP members two reports: one
containing the updated codes for Ohio and another one for Florida.
(NOTE: The benefits I just listed applies to regular VIP membership –
not to the “VIP Specials” that I offer occasionally). VIP Membership is $60 a
month. You will be billed automatically from your Paypal account. You can
sign up for VIP Membership at the bottom of this page:

Feel free to email me if you have any questions about the 7 Day Club
or VIP membership.