Subject: 5 Hits in TEXAS

The Leader Report is a report I send out to Gold members
every Sunday morning. This report has predictions for 11 states.
The numbers are good for 7 days (Sunday to Saturday).

At the end of the week I send out a Hit Report.
This report has all the numbers that hit highlighted in red.

The total number of hits in the 11 states is included in the title
of the report. For example, the report I just sent Gold members
has 17 hits for this past week (Sun Sept 17 to Sat Sept 23).

Look at the attachment.
Go to page 30.

As you can see, there were 5 hits in Texas last week.

NOTE: It is possible to come up with some kind of profitable playing
strategy by studying previous Hit Reports. If you would like get the last
7 Hit Reports for FREE, email me with SEND LAST 7 HIT REPORTS
on the subject line of your email and I will send them to you.

And again, Gold membership is $60 for 3 months.
You will get the Hit Report every Sunday during your membership.
To join, email me with GOLD-3 MONTHS on the subject line of your
email and I will send you a Paypal invoice.

The Pick 3 Coach
September 24, 2017