Subject: For Namibia lovers only ;-)


-N E W S L E T T E R-
07 December 2021

Dear NAMIBIA lover,

it's been a hard year for both Namibia itself & for Namibia lovers, like you. And just when we thought things are (almost) back to normal, travelling to Namibia is becoming restricted again.

HOWEVER, Namibia lovers, like you and me, 

are not easily discouraged, no, no! 

We stay in love with the country, no matter what. We treasure our memories of our past visits to Namibia's grand wilderness. And we plan forward to visit again, right :-)? 

Great! This is where we can help! 

'Cause if you are like us and keep your Namibian dreams best alive with inspiring images of Namibia's amazing vistas and its charismatic wildlife, we've got something for you:

Our NEW 2022 Namibia Calendars

Right now we've got some amazing Sainta Clause SPECIALS for you (!!! valid until 10th Dec !!!), so you're welcome to come on over and browse through our various calendars featuring Namibia's wilderness in all its magnificence!

See you over there AND stay well. Until next time, all our best,

Claudia & Wynand

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