Subject: Update to PSYCH-K® Preferred Facilitator Listing

Important Update to PSYCH-K® Preferred Facilitator Listing

Critical update...
If you are on the Preferred Facilitator Listing...

Dear Facilitators, 


Service is the most crucial aspect of our organization. PSYCH-K® is about serving yourself, your friends, family and clients, and finally, the whole society.


The beauty and the effectiveness of the PSYCH-K® process reside in its simplicity and structure, and everything we add to or subtract from it compromises the results other people, and we can get.


This is why PSYCH-K® is taught the same way worldwide, and the PSYCH-K® session has a precise four step structure, and it’s different from a Psychology, Coaching, or Analysis session.


If someone wants to experience a PSYCH-K® session, we, as PSYCH-K® Facilitators, have the moral and spiritual obligation to serve our partner in the best possible way and to deliver what the partner asks.


Unfortunately, we have some negative feedback from people who asked for a PSYCH-K® session and got something different. 


As PSYCH-K® Facilitators, we are PSYCH-K® ambassadors, and our sacred responsibility is to respect and offer the best experience possible; otherwise, the PSYCH-K® name is negatively affected.


We are happy to offer the PSYCH-K® Preferred Facilitator Program and to allow Facilitators to be listed on and we want to have the best and most committed Facilitators on it. 


For this reason, we have to raise the bar and be sure that if you are on it, it’s because you believe in PSYCH-K®, and because you want to offer the best possible service, respecting the purity of the process without changing it or mixing it with other methodologies not requested by the partner.


To do that, we are introducing three new aspects of the Preferred Facilitator Program:

  1. In the introduction of the Preferred Facilitators list, we’ll add a description of what a Partner can expect in a PSYCH-K® session, and we’ll ask the person to let us know, in the event they experience something different;

  2. If we receive negative feedback about a Facilitator, at least three (3) times, from different people, we’ll contact the Facilitator to understand what’s happening, and if the Facilitator is not properly Facilitating the PSYCH-K® process, we will exercise our prerogative to delete the listing from the Preferred Facilitator list;

  3. We also want to discourage the Facilitators to be on the Preferred Facilitators list just because it’s cheap, but they are not seriously committed to Facilitating PSYCH-K®. For this reason, the annual fee will be 185 USD per year. The current price hasn’t changed for five years, and if you are professionally Facilitating PSYCH-K®, you’ll easily recover this annual investment with one or two private sessions.


These changes will help us to offer a great service with the Preferred Facilitators list, and the Facilitators to be very successful by offering great PSYCH-K® sessions!


If you are not yet on the Preferred Facilitator List and you are interested to be part of it, the minimum requirements to be listed are the PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop AND the PSYCH-K® Master Facilitation Workshop OR PSYCH-K® Onine Level 1 AND PSYCH-K® Online Level 2.


Registrations will reopen on January 11th 2023. If you are interested, please write to




🔴 If you want to remain on the Preferred Facilitator List, write e-mail to: : "I keep my subscription." (DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL) Your subscription will be automatically renewed at 185 USD on the day of the membership expiration.



🔴 If you want to unsubscribe from the Preferred Facilitator List:

1.     Login to your Myrddin Account by clicking here: 

  1. Then click here:

  2. You will be listed on the Preferred Facilitators list until the expiration date of your yearly subscription and then automatically unsubscribed.


🔴 If we don't receive an answer to this e-mail before February 1st, you will be listed until the expiration date of your yearly subscription and then automatically unsubscribed.


Thank you for your commitment to PSYCH-K® and your desire to serve humanity in the best possible way!


Robin Graham

Results Catalyst

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