Subject: son of a biscuit! (sorry about that Friend)

Hey Friend,

One of my great friends and subscribers (Helen) wrote me back this morning and was like..

Dude, why you calling me Nick?

If I accidentally called you Nick too Friend, in that last email, super sorry about that.

Here's why, along with a little email writing tip.

Whenever I'm writing an email, I try to pick someone I know and love, who may be in my target market, and imagine I'm writing to that person specifically.

In that email I sent out this morning, I was picturing my friend Nick Rehmani

(He's SUCH a great guy btw)

Anyway, I usually insert the first name field in the emails, and that's how I magically put YOUR name into the emails, along with the thousands of others who are subscribed to my email list.

So in my last email, I was thinking of and writing to Nick, and forgot to put in that little magic field trick.

That's why I may have called you Nick. 🤦‍♂️ (DOH!)

Anyway, I hope you'll accept my apology, and now you know one of my best email writing secrets.

This is also a great tip for public speaking as well.

The trick with speaking to groups, is to not speak to a group, but instead to individuals within that group.

This goes a long way in making your communication more relaxed, personal and conversational - which usually, makes for a FAR superior public speaking experience.

Imagine the individual, and speak to them the way you wish to be spoken to.

The Golden Rule for Email Writing and public speaking...

I'll tell ya Friend, that danged Golden Rule just seems to work every where.

Okey dokey, catch ya later tater... (tater is short for potato, Yes I'm from Idaho, and a HECK yes, I'm a little goofy too). :-)


PS - If you haven't joined me here, yet, - why not Friend? Do you have a question I can answer? Something that I can do, to help you move forward so you can fill out this form, get started and be on the road to freedom with us?

I mean look at this snapshot from this morning..

This is one fast moving freedom train and we're picking up passengers coast to coast.

All ya need is faith, to hear the inspiration coming...

Ya don't need no ticket, ya just get on board.

I'll be there to help you on the other side.

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