Subject: so hot he didn't even wait for my link (my mistake)

Something crazy just happened Friend.

A friend watched my video and messaged me for more info.

I made the mistake of telling him the name of this $3 app that's paying out ridiculous affiliate commissions for referrals and next thing I know he says...

I immediately messaged him back and said..

Then he said...

To which I said...


There's a lesson here though and it's totally my fault that I missed out on this referral to help me qualify for the $1,500 bonus this week.

The reason I didn't put my link under my video, as this prospect suggested, was so I could keep some mystery in my marketing which builds curiosity and prevents people from searching the name of the company and joining without you .

Unfortunately, I then went on to break that rule and tell him the name in messenger, and it BIT ME as my prospect did exactly what I didn't want him to do.

Oh well. As one of my old mentors told me 'You never lose as long as you pick up a lesson in the loss.'

So the lessons...

  1.  Keep mystery in your marketing and do your best to draw your prospect to you and help them walk through the enrollment as much as possible.

  2. When you have a hot offer, people will join so fast it will make your head spin. (and my head is still spinning from this one) ;-)

Anyway Friend, I hope you can learn from my mistake.

And if you want to see the video that made this guy so interested he joined before I could send him my link - here it is.

Talk soon,
