Subject: immigrant finds millionaire secrets in library...

Hey Friend,

I'm headed skiing with 3 of my boys today so I wanted to write you first thing this morning.

I was just watching a bit of the 'members only' webinar we did last week (which we used in this $10 miracle cash generating machine video), and thinking about one of the craziest parts of my story.

My friend Arnauld, who emmigrated to America, all the way from Berundi, Africa, went to the public library, found some CD's that contained some of the best teachings of a millionaire from Idaho, and slapped them on my cubicle desk, back when I was working in a call center.

Listening to those CD's on my way to and from that cubicle job, taught me things that were destined to change the entire course of my life and finances, and that's no exaggeration.

Things like 'Your philosophy is the major determining factor, in how your life works out.'

and 'formal education will make you a living but self education can make you a fortune.'

At the time, I'd completed a bachelors degree program and even graduated near the top of my class.

What did that $40,000 degree get me?

A job in a call center cubicle making $11.09 cents an hour.

I had first hand knowledge that the millionaire was speaking the truth. My 'formal education', was indeed, barely making me a living.

Just enough to help pay the monthly payment on the single-wide trailer-house we were living in.

Anyway, the things that guy taught me in those CD's - changed everything... literally...

They helped put me on a path to be able to retire debt-free in my early 40's.

They helped me begin traveling a road that was destined to help me start a company, and help thousands of people learn how to earn income online.

The number of ways my life has changed, the number of people I've been able to love and serve and impact, the number of meals we've helped to provide to kids in need throughout the world.... I could go on and on about all the benefits that have come to me and others, because my friend Arnauld went to the library, and shared those CD's with me.

I guess the point though is it's probably good to never under-estimate the power of a good idea, or set of them.

They can come to you when you least expect them and change everything, for the better - MORE than you could expect they might.

Because I know what happened to me when some new ideas came along, I stay inspired for the success that others can create, when the right ideas come to them.

This is one of the things that keep me going.

I believe everyone, and of course you're included in that Friend, has better things waiting for them in their futures.

This is because anyone, at any point in time, can learn something new - or do something different.

Either one of these items can be an x factor in the equation.

Change just one element of an equation or experiment, and you stand the chance of a completely different outcome.

This is one of the main reasons i'm truly, so excited about this little product release.

If people will do the things, this app walks them through, on a daily basis, they have the highest probability of finding the right set of ideas, that can make the difference, for them.

Of course, you don't have to have an app to do these things.

That's why I created this Magical Morning Formula training.

To do my best, to teach people the things that have made the biggest difference for me.

Anyway Friend, I hope that you're open to learning, growth and change, and it's my sincere wish and desire that you'll take 100% responsibility to grow yourself on a daily basis. (if you haven't already)

This is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself, your friends, your family and the world.

This millionaire I mentioned also used to say...

"I'll take care of me for you, and you take care of you, for me."

To me this means that the best way we can help those around us, is to be sure and help ourselves become the best we can be, each and every day.

This is not a selfish thing to do.

It's a generous thing to do.

Thanks for reading and for being subscribed to my email list.

I appreciate you!


PS: You can hear the whole story about my friend Arnauld, along with some other very valuable lessons I learned from this Idaho millionaire in the video here on this page.

PPS: I showed this video and app to my friend Bronwen, yesterday and this is exactly what she said to me...

"Holy cow Paul!

"This is awesome!"